Friday, May 15, 2015


Wm is working hard on his Oxley Hall project. He has his Prezi almost 100% complete. The assignment called for the inclusion of a timeline. Wm called down and asked if I would come help him with his timeline. Then this happened…
Me: OK - first you need to insert a new slide. I'm not sure how to do that…let's see…
Wm: I already did. See?
Me: Oh. Cool. OK - next we need the line for the timeline. I'm not sure...maybe you will actually just need to do this on paper? I'm not sure it can work in Prezi. How about-
Wm: Here. Done.
Me: Nice.
Wm: It's pink. I don't want the line to be pink!
Me: I don't think you can change it. So, you'll have to just deal with it.
Wm: Oh, look here. Now it's blue. Good.
Me: Oh, well, good job. Next you need to make little dashes and put the dates on the bottom and what happened on the top. Uhhh…
Wm: Yeah. I got it. You know what? Why don't you just scadoodle?
Me: Scadoodle?
Wm: Yeah, I'm good. Bye.
[15 minutes later]
Me: Soooo…how's it going?
Wm: I'm done.
Me: Can I see? Oh…wow, buddy. That is awesome. How did you…? Wow. OK. Well, good. That's really good.
Wm: Thank you. I worked hard on it.
Me: I can tell.
Wm: You can always tell when someone has put the hard work in.
Me: Indeed.
(Note: I mostly blame Wm's evil computer because he insists on using a PC. The thing is unusable! I would have knocked that action out on a Mac!)

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