Friday, May 8, 2015

Heil Haircut

Wm helped me paint a gross old dresser that I got from Craig's List for $25 yesterday. Of course, it was terrible. He tried his best and I figured I spent $25 on the thing - what's it to me if he ruins it? It turned OK, but you can definitely tell that Wm "helped." The best part is he must have said 5 times while we painted, "This is fun. I like doing stuff like this with you. Painting is fun!" How can you argue with that? I will get over the gummy brushstrokes and uneven coat. If I get even a year or two out of it before all the paint chips off and we have to donate it…100% worth it. Wm and I had a grand time slopping the paint on it!

I gave Wm a new awesome haircut yesterday. I modeled it after this super hot French soccer player that Steve watches (for soccer, not hotness). But when Wm got out of the shower and it was wet and flat, it was like I had given him the Hitler Youth Cut.
Pretty Aryan lookin'
Watch out..he will tell the Gestapo on you.
Speaking of sporty things, I LOVE Andy Richter and this is the best tweet ever:

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