Thursday, May 14, 2015

Poetry Breakfast

This morning was the Poetry Breakfast at Wm's school. The parents all come to the school and the kids do a poetry reading while breakfast is served. Wm was super pumped because TimBits were an option. All the kids have a little bound poetry book and got to take the the centerpiece flowers home to plant - and got a bookmark with their names on it. Wm was so cutely excited!
Us posing with the poetry book
Steve and Wm reading poems
The dedication page of Wm's poetry book was my favorite part:
It reads: These poems are dedicated to my parents, because they have always been with me, and never just watched or waited while I was struggling or having trouble with something. **TEAR**

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Shypants would not get up to do a reading. So here is a rando doing one so you can imagine Wm doing it awesomely in your mind.

This poem made me laugh so hard. It starts out on a nice, if a bit excessive, note, but has a twist ending. Wm is the M. Night Shyamalan of Poetry Breakfast.
Things turn dark there at the end.
But this was my favorite poem. I loved the line about how lightening slithers like a snake.

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