Sunday, September 29, 2013

Food Fest

So much for stress starvation - we went to the food truck festival today and I ate my weight in french fries, sandwiches, cupcakes and frozen custard.  I may burst.  Wm even ate a bunch of fries, a hotdog, and an Italian ice (then came home and asked for a snack!)
Very excited about his hotdog
Not as excited about waiting for Daddy to finish for dessert
Steve, too, was very excited
Unamused Wm is unamused.
Red tongue post cherry Italian ice
After the food truck festival we went to the Ohio Historical museum.  It was surreal to explain to a very confused Wm how a rotary phone worked (he kept trying to push the buttons and was like, "this is broken.")

Then, in the 1950's house, Wm gave hula hooping a whirl!

And now we are all stuffed and exhausted.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Evil Gremlin

It has been a pretty awful week!  After my brain MRI, which I was worried about, and my pelvic ultrasound, which I wasn't, things...took a turn.  My OB/GYN called and told me a VERY large ovarian cyst with a suspicious nodule on it showed up on my ultrasound and so I had to go back and have a pelvic MRI.  So I pretty much freaked out.  She told me she "didn't think it was cancer at this time, but the MRI would rule that out." It was a very long 2 days after that MRI - but she called to tell me today that it is benign.  But it is SO GIANT that it HAS to come out...and soon.  I go meet with her Wednesday talk about the surgery and get it scheduled.  According to a doctor I work with, there probably isn't much left of that ovary, so I'm guessing it will be coming out as well.  I am hoping they just pop out the uterus that I'm not really using anymore while they're in there!  From what I've been told, it sounds like I will get The Big Slice and have a 6 week recovery time.  Oh, New Couch...I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

Much to Steve's chagrin, the cyst I have is apparently a tetranoma.  Otherwise known as the super creepy kind that can grow hair and teeth (and other stuff).  So I have been telling him I have an evil gremlin in my body and it freaks him the freak out.  After stress starving myself all week (awesome diet plan: convince yourself you're dying), I decided I wanted a celebration treat.
Me: I want to celebrate with a donut!
Steve: What kind of donut?
Me: Hmmm...let me ask the gremlin what it wants.
Me: The gremlin doesn't like it when you are mean to me.  You wouldn't like the gremlin when it's angry.
Steve: Seriously. SERIOUSLY.  Stop.
Me: The gremlin wants a cream filled donut.
Steve: I hate you.

Oh, and in other news, my brain MRI was fine.  Life...amirite?

And, as usual, Steve was pretty much the best husband ever while I had a total meltdown.  He took awesome care of me, held my hand while I sobbed that Wm is too young to remember me, and came with me to my MRI.  And, he's getting the gremlin a cream filled donut tonight. And the SUPER BIGGEST THANK YOU to Jess, who made me feel so much better and was constantly there to talk me down off the ledge.  And to Suzanne for bringing cookies and Mousey and herself over to help get me through it.

In non-gremlin news, here is a cute picture of Wm I took while testing out the new camera functions of iOS7.
His new teeth are coming in!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Apple Pickin'

Our new couch and recliner were delivered yesterday. Only they delivered the wrong couch.  However...we liked the one they delivered better! So I called the store and talked with them about it, they discovered it was the salesman's error, and let us keep the couch that was delivered (even though it was $500 more than the one we bought!) Winning! The part I like the best is that Steve rearranged our bedroom and found the perfect place to put our old recliner in there so we have a place to sit in our bedroom.  LOVE it!

Today, we went apple picking.  We got a 20lb bag of apples!  The weather was perfect for it - there was also a CRAZY corn maze and really cool little store where Steve managed to buy himself a vat of apple butter.  And, tonight, Steve has promised apple pie!  
Wm loves picking apples!
The Boys picking some winners for pie!
Taste test.
I wish I was a little bit taller...
Problem solved.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

I had to take a picture of Steve when he got home from work on Sunday - after working all weekend (and waking up well before sunrise).  He was BEAT.  As you can see...

We are all looking forward to this weekend when we can all recuperate!  I had my MRI today and I was worried about that all week.  Turned out to just be very long, very loud, and very boring.  They injected me with some dye for the MRA portion and I am supposed to drink a ton of water to "excrete it via my kidneys."  So I am living in the bathroom! I get the results in 24-48 hours.  I'm not done visiting OSU Hospital yet!  On Monday I have to go have an ultrasound because my uterus is trying to kill me. I'm falling apart.   Steve, meanwhile, had a deep tissue massage today for his hip.  I think he is getting the better end of the health issues here!  

In exciting news, my boss gave me two free tickets to the Crew game Saturday.  So Steve is going to take Wm and they are PUMPED.  I have a feeling Wm will cease to be pumped very shortly after the game begins, but he may really enjoy the whole "experience." Or, at least, he will if they have cotton candy. I told my boss that he just gave the entire family a super awesome Saturday evening: the boys can go watch soccer and I can have some glorious, glorious alone time!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

French Kissing

Wm: Good night! [kisses my cheek] Even though you are my mom and I love you, I am not going to give you a French kiss. 
Me: Well, moms don't French kiss their kids, anyway. Only husbands and wives...and I guess boyfriends and girlfriends French kiss. It's a special kiss only for people dating or married. 
Wm: Ohhhh. But you and Daddy don't do that, right? 
Me: Yep, Daddy and I do that. 
Wm: WHAT?!?! But it is DISGUSTING. 
Me: You probably won't feel that way forever.  
Wm: Yes, I will. I am NEVER French kissing anyone. [pause] I seriously cannot believe you French kiss Daddy. 
Me: Yup. Do it all the time. 
Wm: Oh god...

Sweet William

Sweet William is sticking around.  I went to get my hair cut at a new place yesterday and took Wm with me since Steve was working.  I promised him it only takes 20 minutes to cut my hair and he could play iPad the whole time.  Well, this new lady didn't even come to get me in the waiting room for 25 minutes.  Then she took nearly 2 HOURS to cut my 1 inch of hair.  The iPad ran out of battery and died mid-way through it took so long.  But Wm was AMAZING.  And then, when we were walking home, I asked him if I should dye my hair when it goes white and he goes, "YES. I don't like white.  My favorite color is blue, but I'm guessing you won't dye it blue.  As long as it's not pink.  I HATE pink." I pointed out that I was wearing a pink shirt and Wm goes, "Yeah, but you look beautiful in whatever you wear."  *tear*

Steve is even being sweet, despite having to work all weekend (he was up and gone by 5:15AM this morning!) I called him to tell of the haircut saga yesterday and he asked how much it cost, I told him, and he said it wasn't too bad -  but then I also mentioned I maaaay have been talked into very expensive hair care products as well.  Steve sighed and goes, "don't tell me...whatever it is, you're worth it." SWEET.  I am positive that Wm is so awesome because he gets to be raised by such an amazing dad!!!

We spent FOREVER at the store last night.  But they were running a mega-sale and we found a really nice couch and recliner.  Both have a lifetime warranty and the sales lady assured us they'd last, looking good, for 20+ years.  I hope we picked out good ones, because we may have them forever!!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Healthy Cookies

Wm: Are these cookies healthy?
Me: Yes! Isn't that awe-
Wm: That's explains why they are disgusting.
[Note: he still ate the whole thing.]

Steve works allllll weekend (he had to get up at 5:30AM this morning to get to work - when it was 45 degrees out).  He was off on Wednesday, so I decided late Tuesday  night that I would take Wednesday off too and we could party!  I texted my boss and he was cool with it, so we had an awesome Wednesday!!  One of our favorite things to do is go to Costco without Wm whining, "Can we leave now? How much longer? Now? Now? Now? Are we going NOW?" I managed to find some super cute, fully lined rain boots for $19! Wm modeling...
"disgusting" cookie in hand

Wm and I are watching Avatar today.  He is incredibly pumped to see the movie - and I am incredibly pumped that it will entertain him for 3 hours. He will also be accompanying me to the hair salon this afternoon.  You can imagine how excited he is!

In other news, we have decided that the recliner we got 14 years ago and the "gently used" couch we got a few years ago are looking sort of ratty (mainly the couch, actually).  We will be investigating new furniture this afternoon.  Since our recliner lasted 14years looking awesome, we going back where we got that! It is the only piece of furniture we have that escaped Wm's infancy and toddlerhood intact.  That's quality workmanship. Wm was (and is) the destroyer of ALL THINGS.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Muy Caliente!

As if Señor Caliente wasn't already mildly offensive enough Wm has decided he says, "aye aye aye aye!"

 Wm was in a M-O-O-D last night and spent a good chunk of time banished to his room.  Wm always seems to know when he is in big trouble and has crossed a line, because afterwards he is Sweet William.  How long his sweetness lasts depends on how much trouble he is in.  So last night after he was allowed to come downstairs, he sat in the chair, weirdly staring at me.  After about 5 minutes of puppy dog eyes he goes, "I love you." I go, "I love you too, buddy.  I hope we can have a better day tomorrow because I really like to spend time with you - not have you up in your room all evening." He walks over and gives me a big hug and kiss and is all, "it will be a better day...I will be so nice." Then, this morning, we're eating breakfast and he goes, "Did you see that I went right to sleep last night?  I was ASLEEP before 9!" I told him I did notice that and he was a great sleeper.  Then he came over and gave me a hug again and goes, "I will see you after school.  Have a great day!" I am hoping this lasts at least for the rest of today!  Sweet William does the following: takes his dishes to the kitchen without being asked, eats his food without complaining, snuggles, goes to bed and actually goes to sleep, plays quietly and happily, and is always polite.  This usually lasts 24-48 hours and then it's back to Tiny Evil.  Until he is Big Evil and then gets in Big Trouble and we see Sweet William for a while.  Enjoying it while it lasts...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

14 Years

We went to the Marion Popcorn Festival yesterday and Wm loved it!  He won a semi-offensive pepper at some fair game.  Wm boringly named him Jalapeño.  But I am trying to talk him into Señor Caliente.  

As always, Wm went right for the Big Slide! His favorite ride remains consistent!  Anytime there is a fair, you will find Wm on the Giant Slide.

Today is me and Steve's 14th anniversary.  I can't even believe it!  I figure I've got him locked down if he's tolerated me for 14 years.  We watched Les Mis last night and both agreed about halfway through that it was incredibly boring so I started making jokes to liven things up a bit (the Liam Neeson version was way better and had no dumb singing).  I made a lame Fantine joke and Steve laughed his butt off.  I was annoyed because it wasn't even that funny.  I bring home killer bits that land solidly at work and Steve is all, "seen the show, Cory," but one dumb Fantine joke and I'm a comedic genius.  So, really, I have also tolerated Steve's ridiculous sense of humor for 14 years as well - so we're even.

I told Steve I wanted our desk chair recovered for our anniversary and he was all over it (or, should I say, made me go to JoAnne Fabrics and pick out the fabric on our anniversary and then did it while I took a walk with Suzanne). But it looks amazing!

Steve hard at work
finished chair!
Happy Anniversary, Steve!!  Here's to 14 more years of chair refurbishing and Fantine jokes!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Disc Golf

Guy took Wm to play disc golf this morning and Wm had a blast!!  Guy got some really awesome pictures of Wm in action!  Guy said Wm is getting good.  Maybe he has finally found his sport.

The intensity!


Sweaty and red and toothless.  A good time was had.