Saturday, November 27, 2010

Michigan Sucks!

Wm was in the spirit for the OSU-Michigan game today!  GO BUCKS!!!

Gobble, Gobble!

We have arrived home from all the Thanksgiving festivities!  We all had a wonderful time - great food, great company!  Wm was in rare form.  He and his partner in crime, Andrew, were up to all sorts of shenanigans.  First, they stuffed toilet paper into the toilet (twice), then plunged it down, then grabbed handfuls of it out and threw it against the wall spitball-style.  Both were covered in toilet water.  Steve gave Wm a surgical scrub down.  Then, they took all the pillows off Grandma and Grandpa's bed and threw them into the shower.  I'm sure they did a whole lot more evil things that went undiscovered.  But Wm, of course, had the time of his life!  After 2 days, though, he got pretty homesick and wanted to come home and sleep in his own bed.  The whining was so pathetic we relented and left at dinnertime last night instead of this morning, as planned.  We arrived home, stuffed Wm in his own bed, and crashed.  I have to go to the store today and get supplies to make stuff for Thanksgiving, Round 2: Mimi and Guy.  The fun never ends!!

Last weekend was CRAZY nice out - last Sunday it was sunny and in the upper 60's (it may have even hit 70!)  So we took advantage of that to hang Christmas lights.  I took some pics of Willie hangin' away.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fatty Tumor

Good news on the fatty tumor front - Steve got his biopsy results and he is cancer-free.  No one was really worried about it (based on the doctor's assurances it was almost certainly nothing), but it's good to get confirmation.  And, true to form, Steve's body is healing weirdly and he now has a hideous scar.  So now he wishes he had just kept the fatty tumor.

Wm is the most wonderful son on the planet. Steve was yammering on about something upstairs and I couldn't hear him.  So he yelled down "lame!"  Wm yells, "Mommy is NOT lame, Daddy!!  Mommy is BEAUTIFUL!!"  Best. Son. Ever.

Wm has been freakishly good all day.  I think he is pumped for his trip up North for Thanksgiving.  He even suffered manfully through The Dreaded Haircut.  I gave him the super chop in hopes of postponing the haircut horror for many moons.  But he was actually VERY good this time - limiting his show of unhappiness to sad little moans and continuously asking, "is it over yet?"  There was not even one escape attempt!

We are leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow in an attempt to beat traffic. I'm sure I will have lots of fun Wm holiday pictures when we get back!

Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Go Bucks!

Wm is getting into the spirit in preparation for the Michigan game this weekend!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Conversation I just overhead upstairs seconds ago....

Act I, Scene I
Wm playing with Lego Star Wars guys, attempting to make Jango Fett with laser blasters. Discussing his latest attempt to beat a level of the Xbox Lego Star Wars game.  Steve getting ready to shower.
Wm: You know, every man dies.
Steve: But not every man truly lives.
Wm: Yeah.

Friday, November 19, 2010


This morning Wm's preschool classroom had a pancake breakfast for families.  So we get all ready to go, I notify everyone that I will be late to work today to go to the Big Pancake Breakfast, Wm is all excited...and away we go.  We get there and Wm immediately runs off with his crony, Tye.  I track him down and ask him if he wants me to make him a plate.  He says no and runs off again.  Meanwhile, a friend of mine who has a daughter in Wm's class arrives.  So I chitchat with her for 10 minutes.  Then I hunt up Wm again and ask if he's ready to come and sit down with me to eat.  He says, "No, I'm not eating until you leave.  You've been here way too long.  Go to work!"  Torn between relief that I can leave The Horror that is any large scale activity in the preschool room and heartbreak that I am so obviously cramping Wm's style, I scuttled out the door and off to work. Without even eating a pancake no less.  It is a slight balm to know that Wm abhors any changes to his routine, was mightily put out about the crowds in "his" classroom, and really wanted every single parent (and probably most kids, other than Tye, Alex, and Preston) to take off as well.

The most wonderful thing has happened.  Jeni's Ice Cream opened a shop in The Ville!  (I suppose this could be bad, as I will likely gain 10 lbs of Jeni's weight now.)  OF COURSE, we had to take Wm there to partake. They did a really cool thing where one whole wall is a giant chalk board.  I snapped a couple shots of Wm drawing away.

Little Picasso 

The weird creature is Two-Face from Batman

He looks extra happy because he just inhaled Jeni's ice cream

Steve has managed to remain relatively healthy all week.  It's a new record.  No trips to the ER, so that's an improvement.  He's been going to PT and whining around that his hip hurts.  I've been whining around that his appointments are at 6AM so he wakes up at the ungodly hour of 5:30AM.  Thus waking me up at 5:30AM (though he does try to be as quiet as possible, it's no use).  

I am DONE, DONE, DONE teaching my class!!!  It ended on a weird note.  My minion was grading their final paper and the last line of a student's essay was "f**k you, I'm drunk."  So that's lovely.  The little darling is 18 so guess who is bringing him up on violating the Code of Student Conduct for underage drinking!  You're probably thinking me...but that's the awesome part of having The Minion.  I'm making her do it.  Moooohahaha!  She can deal with all the horrible paperwork.  

Tonight at dinner Steve and I were jokingly bickering about something or other and Wm (always on my side!) pipes up and says, "Daddy, you better check yourself!"  He's awesome.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Steve the Ill

Steve is barely among the living.  First, a quick rundown of Steve ailments: long-standing hip issues, fatty tumor and fatty tumor removal, then the stomach flu...and now, the newest: concussion.  While he was playing soccer at work, he fell backwards, slammed his head on the ground, blacked out for a minute, then came to with people standing all around him.  He was dizzy and sick to his stomach all day but refused to seek medical attention.  Yesterday (our vacation day of fun, keep in mind) I finally convinced him to call our family doc.  The doctor told him to go to the ER.  So off we went.  Steve was triaged right in, thankfully, and had a CT scan.  He is all clear.  And got the green light to go home and rest.

I did tell him if he doesn't manage to kill himself, I am going to kill him.  He is a lot of trouble.

Wm and I were off on Thursday and he said a MILLION hilarious things.  I definitely don't think I will be able to remember them all, but some highlights include: 
     - After listing to the Violent Femmes song Kiss Off, Wm said, "I don't like that song.  I want to know what 8 was for."  For those of you unfamiliar with that song, it.
     - Wm was doing the peepee dance while playing Lego Batman, so I told him he had to pause his game and go potty.  He insisted he did not have to go.  I insisted that he had to pause it and pee.  Finally, he yells at me, "I do not have pee!!  My penis just got big and I am trying to adjust it!"
....I should have written them down, because that's all I can remember, but there were a lot more!  Instead, I will just share Wm's pumpkin pictures.  Wm wanted pictures of him holding the pumpkin he grew in our backyard.  It was dry and we never watered it, so it's pretty small this year, but Wm was still proud!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beastie Boy

Wm and I are off today for Veteran's Day.  Then Steve and I are off tomorrow for Childfree Fun Day.  Poor Steve needs it.  He had his annual stomach flu a couple nights ago, keeping me up half the night with the sounds of his pathetic moaning.  Then yesterday he had his fatty tumor removed and now he has a bunch of stitches in his side that apparently pull.  So he is just a bundle of fun.  He could use a day to chillax.  It's supposed to be super sunny and 70, so we are puuuuuumped!

Whilst playing Lego Batman, Wm was given his 5 minute warning and his response was: "I did like this, I did it like that, I did it with a whiffle ball bat!"  So, apparently, Wm is a Beastie Boys fan!!

I have finally discovered the perfect deodorant recipe.  And the main ingredient is vodka (kills the odor causing bacteria).  It is awesome!!!!  Works SO MUCH better than any store bought kind!  Bubble and Bee has a spray deodorant that uses, basically, the same recipe, but they charge $10 for 2.5 oz.  I bought 32 oz of vodka for $9.  Suck on that Bubble and Bee!!  But, in any case, I sent Steve to the liquor store with the instructions to get me the highest proof, cheapest vodka he could find.  Apparently he had to ask where that would be located.  I can only imagine what the guy at the liquor store thought.  Steve now has a rep as The Frugal Drunk.

Because I have no Wm pics to share, I am posting a hilarious cartoon below for your enjoyment.  Love it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dancing Queen

Wm loves music and dancing. He insists on listening to Sunny95 every night while he falls asleep.  While Steve was bathing him yesterday, Wm burst into "Soul Sister."  So I showed him a clip from Glee with singing and dancing and Wm says, "they've got some good moves."  I thought that was hilarious, so I try to think of some other song and dance that I can show him.  The only thing that comes to mind immediately is the video Bye Bye Bye (by N'Sync).  -- Don't judge me...I'm not into hip hop. --  I go to YouTube and pull up the video. Wm watches it and says, "why are they puppets?  LAME!!!"  So, N'Sync is so lame that a 4 year old recognizes the lameness. intense.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I See a Fire Truck

Had to share the latest Wm creation.  Over TWO HUNDRED pieces!!!  He's a genius.

Wm says he wants to be a fireman when he grows up

Better shot of the fireman on the ladder!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I have cured Wm's eczema!  His little legs are good as new!!  SUCCESS!!!!

His Smoothness is currently building a fire truck from Legos.  He is now at the point where he can nearly build the sets that say 8-12 years with little to no help.  If there are really complicated steps, he often needs a bit of assistance from Daddy, but Wm is pretty self-sufficient.  Because I am completely incapable of doing even the sets that are for 5-6 year olds (despite the fact that I am 32), I am insanely impressed with Wm's mad skeeeells.  

I have cracked and rejoined the gym.  I just can't run outside when it's cold.  My ears can't take it.  I went for the first time today, since it was pretty cold.  I had forgotten how annoying working out next to 20 year olds is.  Makes me feel REAL old.

Captain Weirdhip goes for his PT session Monday.  He is hoping to hear that he has the green light to play soccer again.  He has been taking fish oil and that has really helped.  Then, continuing the Steve Health Saga, he goes to get his creepy fatty tumor cut out on Wednesday.  And we are WICKED looking forward to Friday - as Steve and I are both taking the day off (after Vet's Day) and dumping Cranklebottom at school so we can have a day of childfree awesomeness!!!

Wm has discovered an intense love for kefir.  We call it "go-gurt" and he thinks he's getting a treat (real go-gurt is often full o' sugar and stupidly expensive).  So tricking him into drinking kefir great.  The pic below is a bit grainy, but hopefully you can make out Wm's kefir mustache.

                                                                      Got Kefir?