Saturday, May 2, 2015

Birthday Party

Wm had his birthday party today and Grandma & Grandpa and Suzanne came over to celebrate too. And everything went off without a hitch! I didn't know 5 little boys could make so much noise, though! They were unable to defeat the piƱata with all that energy, even. Steve had to rip it apart. But Wm said he had a GREAT time and he was a very happy little guy!! It was our first at-home party and I was a bit nervous. But it was pretty painless! Much easier than Chuck E. Cheese. But our house is destroyed. I cleaned it, the boys came over and destroyed it. I cleaned it again. Then more presents arrived with Mimi and Guy and Wm destroyed it again. I don't have the energy to clean it again tonight! Steve is attempting to half-heartedly pick up wrapping paper a bit, but I think he's about due to crash too!
Delicious birthday cupcakes!
Making a wish!
Chattin' with Grandpa and present mayhem
MORE presents!
Even more presents - all the way from Denver!
Me: [walking in holding his cupcakes from the bakery] Hey, what would you do if I fell and dropped all your cupcakes?
Wm: Well, first I'd make sure you are OK. Because you are more important than cupcakes.
Me: Awwww! So sweet!
Wm: But once I knew you were OK, I'd be pissed about the cupcakes.

And now I think my jammies are calling me...

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