Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I heard snifflings coming from Wm's room last night and he was weeping around about his own mortality again. So I tried to be all, "I will be waiting at the end of the tunnel of light for you in heaven!" (Which I do not believe at all, but, whatever it takes to calm him down.) He insisted that that did not make him feel better this time because he has thought about it and is sure there is nothing. So I tried a different approach…

Me: Well, if there's nothing, what are you afraid of?
Wm: I do not want to NOT exist!
Me: But you wouldn't even be aware of your nonexistence.
Wm: That does no help AT ALL! [fresh tears]
Me: Well, if you think this life is all that you have, you are really wasting it horribly being upset about death all the time. You should cherish every single moment. Appreciate the way the breeze feels in your hair, the sound of the rain on the roof, the plentiful and delicious food you have ready access to, laughing with your friends, the feeling of grass under your bare feet as you run through the sprinkler, your soft, comfortable bed, the unconditional love of your parents - all of these things you do not pay attention to every single day. Maybe instead of crying about your own death, which you know is happening, maybe you should spend your life being kind, helping others, and living every moment to the fullest!
Wm: Did you just fart in my bed?
Wm: That is not improving my life.

Also, Jess sent me a link to these and this is my favorite one. I owe Jess a debt of gratitude for sharing all the awesomeness!!

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