Sunday, March 30, 2014


Schroeder winking at me as I fold laundry
Wm loving Schroeder as he plots his escape
Wm and Steve went to Warren this weekend.  Before he left, I gave Wm a hug and told him I'd miss him while he was gone.  So, before he'd go to bed, he insisted on drawing something for me.  And it was the sweetest thing ever.
At the top is a self portrait (so I could "see him while he's gone") and he wrote, "XOXOXO love while I'm gone." Then he drew a heart with W+M=L in the middle. I asked him what that meant and he said, "William+Mommy=LOVE." Then he drew another heart with "hug me" written in it and an arrow saying, "I'm right here."  He told me that if I get scared being alone, I should look at that and it's a hug from him to me.  So…he's pretty much an angel.  Of course, when he got home and I told him he needed to fold his laundry and he'd had enough iPad for the day, I think he may have wanted to rescind the picture.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Me: How was your day?
Wm: Gooooood.
Me: Well, what did you do?
Wm: I don't know.
Me: You're killing me, man.
Wm: What did YOU do?
Me: I worked.
Wm: Walk me through your day, Mommy.
[After I started actually outlining my day, he lost interest…surprisingly]

Aaaaand, just when you think spring may be around the corner:

Wm and I did get to take a "snow walk" while it was falling fast and thick.  We came back coated in snow and frozen.  But it was super fun!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Wm got his feedback report from his teacher for his big presentation.  And it is awesome!!  He got all of the highest marks, a "super" sticker, and notes from the teacher that said, "Great job, William! You are very knowledgable about your subject! Big vocabulary!" And only one improvement suggested: "slow down."  Wm is definitely my son.  I don't think I have ever given a speech without being told (numerous times) to slow down!!  Frankly, I think everyone else just needs to catch up. :)  Super proud of Wm!!  (When I asked him how his presentation went and if he got asked a lot of questions, he said the only thing anyone asked was for him to tell them what the words he used meant.  I told him when he was practicing and peppering his speech with phrases like, "corresponded with," and "alcoholism contributed to his early death," that kids would not know what he was talking about and he should just say, "wrote letters to" and "drank too much alcohol," but clearly he didn't listen!  Wm refused to dumb down.  Haha!)

Totally unrelated to anything, this just made me laugh my butt off...

Friday, March 21, 2014

Kid for Sale

I saw this picture on the interwebz and was shocked to read that some parents would actually sell their children to make money during the Great Depression.

Then, at dinner, I was telling Wm and Steve about it.  
Me: Hey, maybe we could sell Wm!
Wm: OK.  I want a computer.
Me: No, if WE sold you, WE would keep the money.
Wm: If you sold me, it's my money.  From MY sale. And I want a computer.
Me: You wouldn't have time for a computer anyway.
Wm: Why not?
Me: You'd be sold into servitude.  You'd be a chimney sweep or something.
Wm: No, I don't want to do that job.  I want a computer.
Me: I don't think you're following me here, man. If you were sold, you'd be someone's servant. Then I will buy myself a neeeeeew car with my ill-gotten gains. 
Steve: No one is selling anyone!  
Me: Wm would probably fetch a tidy sum.  He's very tiny…he'd make an excellent chimney sweep.
Wm: Do you think I'm worth $2,000? That's how much a computer costs.
Me: You could get a cheap computer for a lot less.
Wm: YES! 
Me: Again, though, I have to reiterate that you don't get to keep the money from your sale.
Wm: Yes, I do! 
Steve: I give up.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tickle Bugs

I found out Steve has been hoarding two new pictures of Wm on his phone!

Autumnal Memories...
Dairy-free froyo at Orange Leaf!
I have made an awesome morning routine discovery! Many mornings, two tickle bugs (Jacques and Francois) fly in from Paris to wake up Wm.  Wm haaaaates Jacques and Francois.  He screams at them to go away as they fly in to tickle him and tries to "mash them," with his tiny fists of fury. So, obviously, it takes some time for the tickle bugs to get Wm out of bed.  However, this morning, after Wm moaned, "one more minute!" I said, "OK - Daddy won't get up either.  I will go see if Jacques and Francois can wake him up."  Wm FLEW out of bed THRILLED with life screaming, "YES! YES! JACK AND FRANC-WHATEVER NEED TO GO WAKE UP DADDY!" The joy of seeing his father tortured out of bed by tickle bugs worked like a charm.  So, much to Steve's chagrin, he may be seeing a lot more of Jacques and Francois!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sword of Victory

Mimi gave Wm a foam sword and he weirdly loves it.  He carried it all around yesterday - even playing iPad.  (Notice his feet in perpetual motion!) You will also see Steve, nearly comatose, after a day of trying to keep up with Wm.

One of my cousins is getting married this summer and I emailed to see which events were kid friendly.  She replied that all of them were - yay!! Wm asked how many "events" he had to go to and I said rehearsal dinner, wedding, and reception.  Then he goes, "Do I get to go on the honeymoon?" Yeahhhh…probably not, buddy.  

I have won a major victory against Ohio State's development office (not really, but I'm claiming it).  I donated to WOSU. ME. I did.  Not Steve.  I did not even discuss it with him.  He only found out that it happened when he looked at the credit card bill and asked if I had donated or if a philanthropist stole our card.  YET, my friends, the "we appreciate your contribution" letter came addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Steven B.  WHAAAA?  Oh, hell no.  So, as would be expected, I sent them quite the email (e.g., 1952 called and they want their letter back!) Today I received a very nice apology that said they are making "systemic changes" - AND in the mail I got a new letter addressed to Ms. Corinne E.  I know they just want my money and they are being nice because they hope I will shell more out in the future…but I'm still calling it a win!  A win for womankind!  You're welcome, sisters.  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Destination Imagination

We spent about 4 hours at Reynoldsburg High School (not even in Franklin County!) for Wm's Destination Imagination competition.  Wm did great!!  He was a lion in the circus. He had a blast!!  His favorite part was some secret improv competition where they had to build a bridge.  This is Wm's kind of extra curricular. He said he wants to do it again next year!

The team getting ready!
Putting up the set
Getting a Very Important Medal!
Wm had lots of support: Steve, Mimi, Suzanne, and I all went to cheer him on!  He had the biggest cheering section.  Then, we got to celebrate with dinner at Harvest!  YUM!!

I have heard a lot of people say their cat is "just like a dog."  But, how many cats enjoy playing fetch?  Wm and Schroeder love to play!!  They played for about 15 minutes this morning and I got the tail end on film.  Schroeder is pretty attached to that Wm character.  He waits at the door for him to get home from school, sleeps in his bed, plays fetch with him, and grooms his hair every chance he gets.  They are quite the pair!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I got my blood work done for OSU's annual Your Plan 4 Health.  I got the results back yesterday and everything was good - except my iron was pretty low so my doctor called in a prescription iron supplement and wants to retest in 2 months.  What was funny was the differing reactions I got when I mentioned it to The Boys…

Me: So my iron is apparently low.
Steve: Hm. Is that a big deal?
Me: Not really.  I'm not anemic.  But I guess it can cause irritability, feeling cold, and paleness!
Me: Hmph. But the biggest symptom is fatigue/low energy.
Steve: Good god.  How could you possibly have more energy?  Does this mean you will have more energy?  I'm not liking this.
Me: [intensely dancing around Steve at 7AM as he tried to make coffee]
Steve: Nooooooo!

[Wm was very intrigued - since I had a big bruise on my arm - about the blood work and needle involved]
Me: Hey - I got the results of the blood test that gave me that big bruise on my arm.
Wm: What did it say?
Me: I'm healthy! I just have low iron.
Wm: That makes sense.
Me: What? What do you mean?
Wm: You don't have a lot of energy.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


We went to church again this morning and Wm had a blast!  He said he wants to go every Sunday.  There was a guest minister and even Steve had a good time because he really liked her sermon. While we were back in the children's area, I saw a sign that said, "It's OK NOT to share!" I pointed it out to Wm and he read it, mouth hanging open.  Then he goes, "Wait…why…I don't understand…why do they say it's OK to NOT share?" So I said, "Well, I'm thinking it means that while sharing is the nice thing to do, no one here would ever FORCE you to share - instead, they respect your choice…whether that choice is to share - or not." Wm goes, "Wow.  I just…I don't understand how they could even say it's OK not to share."  Clearly Wm is not on board the No Sharing Train.  Wm, despite his Only Child status, has always been a GREAT sharer.  He gets very confused/upset when other children won't share with him in return.  He is a big believer in sharing and in "turns," so when another kid won't give up their turn when it's his turn, he's flabbergasted.  So the sign was like Wm's worst nightmare.

Last night, I noticed Steve and Schroeder watching Sons of Anarchy together.  They both seem engrossed.  The picture is grainy because I zoomed in and lightened it since it was really dark and I was across the room.

Wm loves to lay on the floor and play, watch TV, or iPad.  Schroeder will sometimes either attack and/or groom Wm's hair.  It's always a great show and Wm thinks it's hilarious!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Wm: Daddy!  Are you coming down or are you up there just whacking off?
Steve: WHAT?
Wm: I SAID, are you coming or are you whacking off?
Steve: Uhhhh….do you mean SLACKING off?
Wm: Oh. Yeah. Slacking off.  So are you coming down or just up there slacking off?
Steve: Thank god.  I'm on my way!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Still Winter

It was SO COLD again this morning.  This winter will just not quit.  Even though it's freezing cold, they were having a sale, so I got Wm his summer shoes.  He tried them on and I got all excited for warm weather when he can wear them!
Super cute summer shoes!
Wm has continued his behavioral excellence at school and even got some special eraser for following directions in Music, which he hates with the fire of a thousand suns so he usually acts out. 

Steve and I often entertain ourselves at work by texting funny pictures back and forth.  Steve's latest is my favorite ever.
What I sent him
What I got in response
We took Wm to the Unitarian Universalist church last Sunday and he loved it!  He wants to go back this Sunday!  Sadly, Steve isn't as pumped about it as Wm is.  He wants to lay around like a slug on Sunday mornings.  Since the service doesn't start until 11, he has plenty of slug time. I think it's great for Wm to have a community to grow up in and he seems to really like it!  And, if you don't believe in god, it seriously limits which churches you can go to!  So, it's UU or nothin'! So I was glad Wm really liked it!!!