Sunday, June 30, 2013


Amazingly, we went to see Tecumseh last night.  The forecast called for rain all day and it was storming in Chillicothe right before we left.  And apparently it was raining cats and dogs in Columbus while we were there.  But, the weather was perfect for the outdoor drama.

And Wm loved it!  He said it was "AWESOME!"  He said his favorite part was the big battle scene (we were sitting, literally, in the closest seats you could be in to the big cannons, so I was a little nervous that would freak him out). He watched it with his fingers stuffed in his ears, but his eyes were huge and glued to the "stage."  As soon as it opens, an Indian rides a horse through a pond and gallops it up a hill right next to where we were sitting.  Wm's mouth dropped open and he was riveted.  He got a little bored during all the talk about treaties and war planning (frankly, so did I) - and he could have cared less about the love story parts - but he loved the battles, the Indian dancing, and the army drills.

We didn't get home until midnight.  Wm's latest night ever!  The show didn't end until almost 11 and then it's an hour drive home.  Wm CRASHED in the car, we carried him up to bed, and he slept until after 9AM!
We got Wm a little toy old-timey pistol in the gift shop. 
The "stage" - and it continued up the hill along side of us as well.  
Steve enjoying a slushy and pretzel

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Wm and I watched the old Christopher Reeve Superman movie with General Zod.  After it was over, I showed him the trailer for the new Man of Steel movie that just came out so he could see far special effects have come.  Wm goes, "I don't like that one.  It seems like it's for adults.  The other one was more like a cartoon."

I said to Steve, "Man, I don't remember Lois Lane being such a bitch.  The entire movie she treats Clark like crap. All she does is order him around and tell him to fetch food for her." Steve looks at me and goes, "People in glass houses, Cory..."  Burn.

We are taking Wm to Tecumseh tonight!!  It will be his latest night out ever.  I will update with Wm's review on Tecumseh tomorrow!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Wet Clothes

Me: Did you put your wet swim suit in the plastic bag Daddy put in your backpack or did you just throw it in there?
Wm: I just put it in there.
Me: What?!?
Wm: It's not wet at all.
Me: Oh, good.
[Return home to discover it's very wet and now so is everything else in his backpack]
Me: WM! It's soaking wet!  You are in trouble, sir!!
Wm: Hm. Do I have a consequence?
Me: YES.
Wm: What?
Me: My sadness and disappointment.
Wm: that all?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


We got a letter in the mail today from the Director of the Gifted and Talented Programs for all Columbus Public Schools.  Wm has been identified as super gifted in Math and will be receiving the"benefits" of the G&T program starting with the 2013-2014 school year.  Wm read the letter and goes, "what does that mean?" I told him it meant he was a math genius and he goes, "oh...yeah."  Totally unimpressed.  Soooo old news to Wm.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Captain Underpants

After Wm got out of the shower, I told him to go get ready for bed and then come down for his snack.  He came out of his room looking like this:
Scrawniest kid alive

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Today at baseball Wm got to play catcher!!  Luckily, it was well documented because he says he's never playing catcher again.  The gear didn't fit him and he couldn't bend his legs, so Steve had to carry him out on the field.  Then, he got slammed in the face guard with a ball.  Wm said it was "hot and uncomfortable and I am never doing that again."  But it sure was cute...
All suited up!  But incapable of movement.

Working to keep the giant gear on his tiny body...

Sort of able to crouch and in ready position!
Wm gets to go spend the night with Mimi tonight.  He is all pumped.  While he's gone, Steve and I are having a party.  With s'mores!  Exciiiiited!!  Sadly, it's 90 degrees out, so the fire won't be quite as fun since we may all melt.

AND, I bought tickets to Tecumseh, the Outdoor Drama. We are going next weekend.  Wm cannot contain his excitement.  He is super looking forward to seeing "real" cannons.  I told him there will be loud guns, battles, tomahawks, and horses.  He danced around in glee.  We'll have to dip him in OFF!, but it's so worth it!  He will love it!!

I'm thinking the week after we'll take him to see a Clippers game!  The Excitement of Wm never ends!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I feel the need to brag about how smart my kid is...

- While grabbing my Evol (so much better than Kashi!) frozen lunch out of the freezer, Wm pipes up and says, "your lunch is 'love' spelled backward."  I have been eating Evol burritos and Evol frozen meals for years and never noticed that...ever.  Genius.

- Wm wanted to talk about fractions at dinner (dinner conversation is often math-related).  He wanted to do quarters so I asked him what 1/4 times 2 was and he goes, "1/2!"So then I say, "OK, well, what is 1/4 DIVIDED by 2?" Wm thinks for a sec and goes, "1/8!" Genius.

- In the same quarter conversation, I go, "do you know what time it would be if someone said it was a quarter after 1PM?" Wm said, "1:15!" I was impressed, so I threw a hard one at him.  I asked, "What if they said it was a quarter TILL 1PM?"  It took him about 15 seconds of deep thought and he goes, "12:45!" Genius.

- I have been throwing the ball with Wm in the backyard most nights this week and he is getting SO good!!  He has an amazing little arm and can really throw some heat! Takes after his ma!  Maybe there'll be another catcher in the family (I got the job as a kid because I was the only girl on the team who could throw it all the way back to the pitcher and then it stuck).  And, I'm so proud of him because he's not at all afraid of the ball and will run up on it and catch it and/or field it.  He is probably the best fielder on his whole team!  And he is AWESOME at bat!  I knew Wm would be a great baseball player!  I think a Clippers game is in his future!

In other news, I am going to see Wicked tomorrow! Steve is thrilled that he doesn't have to go.  I am going on a "date night" with a friend - out to dinner and to see Wicked.  This is his fifth time seeing it, but my first!  When I asked Steve if he minded if I went he goes, "tickets are expensive." I said, "you don't have to go." He immediately said, "Of course! Go! Have fun!"  Steve would rather die than have anything to do with musical theater.

Meanwhile, Wm has taken to watching PBS documentaries on prehistoric times and is always rattling off facts.  His favorites are poop-related.  He took great delight in informing me that some species or other produced "2 tons of dung per day."

Monday, June 17, 2013


Here's some random stuff that has been going on the last few days...

1. Wm looked all cute.  His outfit reminded me of an 80's movie bully. But very tiny.

2. Wm got "blue oreos" that were sort of fruity tasting and weird.  Not only did they turn his ENTIRE mouth VIBRANTLY blue, but he pooped bright blue poo for 2 days afterwards. That can't be good for you.

3. Wm has been reading Harry Potter.  BUT, the best part is that he wants to "share" it with Steve, so he's forcing Steve to also read Harry Potter.  Steve keeps looking tortured and mouthing, "I haaaate reeeeading!" when Wm isn't looking.  Since I already read the series, I have been permitted to continue reading The Round House instead of joining The Harry Potter Book Club. We can just discuss afterwards.

4. Wm got baseball socks that match his uniform and the cuteness was kicked up a notch. I also got him Big League Chew gum.  Wm has never had gum before since I am a tooth-protecting Nazi.  He hates it.  He chews it for no more than 2 minutes like a cow chewing cud (and looks vaguely confused and constantly asks, "do I swallow this, or....what???"), then it somehow falls out of his mouth and he throws it away.  But, he laughs his butt off at Steve blowing bubbles and popping them.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Today was Wm's first baseball game!  He did great!!  He got a great hit and did some super fielding.  And Steve was a great coach too!!

Coach & son pre-game
Wm on deck!
Wm makes it to second!
And I got a video of Wm's hit!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


We were supposed to get a mega-storm last night and we were all prepared.  But, all we got was a run of the mill thunderstorm.  It was still enough to send Wm shrieking into our room.
Out like a light.
He takes up way too much bed for the size of his tiny body.
Love the hair. I think he looks like Steve when he sleeps.
Wm was bitten by a little sociopath at summer camp and has a human bite mark bruise on his chest.  Who bites at 7 years old?  The kid's mom actually emailed me to apologize.  I haven't replied yet, because I want to make sure I can write a nice, calm response!  This is the same kid who punched him in the stomach last summer.  Wm says this kid has "violent tendencies," which totally cracked me up.  Ironically, this is the one kid at camp who is actually smaller than Wm.  So it's not like he's being picked on by some giant bully.

Wm also went to the doctor for his 7 year well child visit.  Which is a total waste of time.  We waited almost an hour to see the doctor for her to give Wm the once over, declare him healthy, and we were on our way.  Wm was just thrilled there were no shots! I love his pediatrician, but the wait time is crazy!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Only Willie

I just read really interesting article on only children!  No judgement at all to folks that have more than one, but as Steve and I are hitting the age when most "peers" are adding more kiddos to the family, and Wm is at an age when it's clear that the age gap between sibs would be pretty big, we get asked a lot about why we only have one...and if we regret it.  The answer is a resounding NO!  For us, one is the perfect number!  It is emotionally, financially, and physically "doable" for us to have only one without feeling we are spread too thin in any area.  Mad props to parents that can handle more, but Steve and I knew where our own limits were and happily stayed within them! The article was an interesting read, especially because so many people automatically assume we'd "regret" having just one and that Wm will somehow be a selfish, lonely, horrible kid because he is an only.  (Wm also hates babies and is REAL firm about not ever, ever, ever, ever, never, ever wanting a brother or sister - or dog, even.  Wm is a lone wolf.)

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Tomorrow is Wm's first baseball game.  Today was picture day.  It was horribly organized, so while they were waiting, Steve took his own shots.

All the teams are named after MLB teams - and Wm is a Cub.  Steve, as an assistant coach, also got Cubs gear.  As usual, the smallest uniform they had is giant on Wm.  

Wm snuck the iPad into his room last night and secretly stayed up until 11PM playing Plants vs. Zombies.  He is worn out today!!

Friday, June 7, 2013


Steve went back to his hip surgeon doctor guy yesterday because of all the weird pains.  I guess he thinks the pelvic pain (that Steve thought was hernia-related) is in fact hip-related.  But the doc still didn't think surgery is necessary at this point.  Steve is supposed to go back to PT and actually DO the PT this time - and he's also supposed to go get massage therapy.  Since the pain is in his pelvis/groin, I think he is really enjoying all my happy ending jokes.

Wm, on the other hand, is really enjoying summer camp so far!  When I went to get him yesterday he yelled, "Go home!  Come back in an hour!" It's not easy to drag him out of there!!  And next week starts all the field trips, so it's only gettin' better from here.

With Wm at summer camp (and me with STRICT instructions not to pick him up before 4:30), I was bored.  So I decided to bother Steve...

Then, Steve retaliated...
Me: Soooo...what do you think happens after you die?
Steve: What do you think?
Me: No idea, that's why I asked.
Steve: Pearly gates and all that.
Me: Really?  You think you're going to heaven?
Steve: Yeah, I am.  You're not.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sneak Thieves

Coming into the house after summer camp...
Wm: What if someone broke in the back door again and there are sneak thieves in the house?
Me: Not possible - the back door is now impenetrable and we have an alarm.
Wm: True.  But, I'm just saying WHAT IF.
Me: Well, why don't you go first and fight them off.
Wm: OK!
Me: Wouldn't you want me to go in first so I can protect you?
Wm: No. I'll just kick them in the crotch.
Me: Sounds like a solid plan.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tiger Tiger Woods, Y'All

I was taking a walk down the ravine and two horse cops came trotting by!  Super cool!! I couldn't resist taking a picture.  They were much closer than they appear.  They waved as they went by.  I wonder where they put the criminals.
Mounted Officers of the Law!
Steve went to the Memorial golf tournament thing this weekend, so Wm and I hung out.  We went to the Park of Roses with Mimi and we got some super cute pictures of The Tiny Evil!
Steve saw Tiger Woods!  He managed to get a picture before he was yelled at, but it's kinda far away.  Steve was still super pumped!

Believe it or not, Tiger is in this shot.