Friday, December 16, 2016

Lordy Lordy

Steve is Forty! I think (hope!) Steve had a great birthday! Wm and I (mostly I) decorated the house all up after school. I hung a happy birthday banner and strung black streamers everywhere, blew up 35 black balloons and had a giant black paper ball hanging from the ceiling. When Steve walked in, Wm and I screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and sprayed him with silly string. Then we had his favorite dinner and he got his favorite treats from Starbucks. He's been wanting to watch Creed forever, so then we (sans Wm), snuggled up under some blankets to watch. And Steve guessed his big surprise, so it's not much of a big surprise anymore. But, hopefully, he still likes it!!

Notice Wm "helping" by eating a snack.
Silly stringed!
After we silly stringed Steve, Wm goes, "I knew the silly string would be fun...but I had no idea it would be that fun!" I'm not sure Steve 100% agreed, but Wm and I cleaned it all up, so he was happier.

Sadly, Wm woke up this morning and said his throat hurts "like fire." So  he may be sick for Steve's birthday trip! Fingers crossed it feels better as the day goes on!

I found a snap of Wm on the spelling bee stage on the school Facebook page. I thought it was a good shot of the action!
Wm on far left in gray

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