Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Busy Day

Wm has had a very busy day! First, this morning, he was in the spelling bee. He made it to the 4th round, but was stumped by the word "reggae." Which is crazy hard and evil! When I was at the school later, I told his teacher that I was calling shenanigans on that one. I wasn't able to go to the spelling bee, but Mimi represented The William Fan Base. Here is a video she took of Wm's first word:

Later in the day, they had something of a very early rehearsal/here's what we've been up to performance of his dance thing called Momentum. I snuck out of work a bit early and went to catch that. Wm did great! Here he is beforehand, chillaxing:

Wm is in the bright orange shirt
I also took some video of the dance numbers. Keep an eye out for that orange shirt!

Snow fell all day today and we had at least 3 inches by the time school was over. Wm got to leave school with me a bit early, so we came home and shoveled and had a snowball fight and ran around like maniacs. It was great fun, but now I'm exhausted! Our backyard looks amazing!
Winter wonderland!
Steve's Mega Birthday celebrations continue. We celebrated with Mimi and Guy last weekend. On Thursday, his actual birthday, I have a surprise in store for him (Wm is very excited to participate!) and a nice dinner. Then, his BIG surprise is this weekend! I have been prepping for it all week. Steve has no idea! Mooohahaha!

Steve is at the movies, alone, and is eating dinner there as well. Why? Because he popped my tire in a  fit of road rage/road impatience. My tires are 5+ years old and apparently have dry rot anyway, so we decided to just replace them all. With the snow, everything was late, so while they did the tires, he went out to eat and to see a movie. So Wm and I had a mother-son dinner and have been hanging out solo. But Steve should be home soon! And I will have all new tires! And a giant bill at Christmas time. Hopefully Steve has learned a lesson about polite driving! (But he probably didn't...)

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