Wm is still vacillating between sickliness and wellness. He is consistently running a low fever that tends to get higher in the afternoon. He's not eating super well (even for him) and is more lethargic than usual. But, as long as he's medicated, he seems OK. Wm has watched more SpongeBob in the last 3 days than he has in the last 6 months combined. I hate SpongeBob. He has also been doing lots of drawing. He made this for Steve. I thought it was hilarious since it's addressed to "Steve" and not "Daddy." It is the Ninjago Skull Truck.
Then, Steve and I have grown increasingly stir crazy being cooped up with a sick kid for days. I managed to escape earlier to get my hair cut and new, awesome bright red highlights put in; and Steve had a fun trip to Lowe's. But we have otherwise been on Sick Kid Duty. Steve decided to show off his Shaggy impression. Which, of course, I had to tape. Steve insisted on veto power, but he has agreed to let me post it here (as long as I promised to leave it off facebook). He's a winner, that Steve. And this is what happens when you're trapped at home with nothing to do for hours on end:
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