Sunday, March 25, 2012

King of Poop

Mimi said she is missing Wm updates.  Well, never let it be said I am not responsive.  Or, rather, that Wm is not responsive.  Because he chose the next half hour to do something hilarious.  He runs upstairs yelling, "I have to go poooooootty!"  Then, quite bit later, realizing I hadn't heard anything at all, the following conversation ensued...

Me: Wm, how is it going up there?
Wm: Not well.  Don't talk. You're making my poop go away.
Me: OK.  Don't forget to flush and wash your hands when you're done!
Wm: STOP TALKING!!!!!  [mumbles about my lack of listening skills]
[5 minute pause]
Me: OK, I know I'm not supposed to talk, but it's been a while...what's happening?
[2 minutes later]
Steve: I'll get it!
[toilet flushes]
Steve: Oh, no. [sounds of plunger]
So I go upstairs to investigate, Steve is madly plunging the toilet and Wm is dancing around gleefully.
Me: Wm, did you clog up the toilet?
Wm: YES!  Biggest poop EVER!
Me: Gross! You're disgusting, man.  How can something like that come out of your tiny body?
Wm: [insane laughter and fist pumping, runs downstairs and out onto the front porch, where he screams at the top of his lungs] I TOOK THE GIANTEST POOP OF ALLLLL TIIIIIIIME!

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