Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Great Day!

Wm had a GREAT DAY today!!!

Wm came home from school with his whole goal rocket ship colored in!  AND, a report card that says his behavior has much improved since our conference.  Wm hopped off the bus wreathed in smiles.  We are taking him out to dinner and for ice cream to celebrate his awesomeness.  His teacher even gave him a Dove chocolate for being so good today.  

Wm is currently reading a 60 page book all by himself to himself!  He is on page 51 right now - so he's nearly done.  We were both sitting and reading yesterday and I stopped and go, "this is nice," and Wm goes, "what?" and I told him, "just sitting around reading with you," and he smiled cutely and goes, "'s fun" then went back to his book, and I went back to mine.  Super awesome.  So happy I have a reader!

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