Monday, March 26, 2012

Pushing Buttons

I fed Wm a snack and then shipped him off to Steve upstairs to get his jammies on. A few minutes later, I headed up and found Steve laying morosely in our bed.  Apparently, Wm had been being really evil so Steve asked him, "why are you doing that, dude?" And Wm says, "What? Pushing your buttons?" Steve said, "Yes." And Wm responds, "I want to see how mad you'll get."  Enter me, finding Steve pouting. I go, "So, what's the deal?? That's kinda funny, actually - "pushing your buttons'." And Steve goes, "He's 5.  FIVE." And continued pouting.  So I told Steve that the wily little weasel is just trying to make sure that no matter how evil he is, Steve still loves him.  He probably has a hard day at school all day and wants to be sure he can act out as much as he wants at home and Daddy will still love him no matter what.  That stopped Steve's pouting and he went in to reassure Wm that he was loved - but that button pushing will still not be tolerated.  So Wm had to go to sleep with no Lego guys.  But he was still a happy boy because he knew Daddy loves him! It's a good thing I can spot all of Wm's evil tactics - they're nothing new to me.  Now I'm off to annoy Steve until he tells me he still loves me (poor Steve...he is no match for us).

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