Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weekend Warrior

Steve worked all weekend, Wm got a nasty cold, and I...I was a goddamn warrior! Since I was pretty much trapped at home alone with a sick kid, I got all the chores done!! I even polished the leather seats in my car!

Saturday was Flip's first birthday. Happy birthday, Flippers!!

The old man keeping an eye on the neighborhood in his favorite spot
One of my fun weekend actives was making bread. I made cinnamon loaf and a sea salt loaf. Wm LOVED the cinnamon loaf. He said it was the best thing I ever baked. He goes, "THIS IS A 10 OUT OF 10!!"

Wm was real grump yesterday. Here is a conversation we had that is representative of how the day went...
Me: [sweetly] Wm, do you want a piece of cinnamon bread?
Wm: [crabbily] What?
Me: Do you want a piece of cinnamon bread?
Me: Well, you just screamed at me, soooo...

However, today, he feels better (he can't breathe out of his nose, but his throat is feeling better, and that was his main complaint). And he's been super nice in that way that people are once they start to feel human again after being sick. Today's conversations went more like...

Me: Do you have homework due tomorrow?
Wm: Yes, I have a big thing due in Short Stories.
Me: OK, well, you will need to start that after lunch to make sure you have time to do it. No procrastinating! 
Wm: OK, no problem.
Then...he DID. And it's done and submitted already. 

In more good news, Steve's back is much better! He has been doing all the back exercises he's supposed to do (miracle!) and he feels pretty good. Which was excellent since he had a long weekend with that tournament. 

Buns of steel
And today I had a major success with The Hell Hound. It was his monthly bath time, which is usually a whole ordeal. But, he was starting to smell very "dog-like." And, thus, so was our house.  So, I put a little calming lavender oil in the bathtub and Wm stood by the tub and just fed him one nugget of dog food after another...and Flip was AWESOME. He just stood there the whole time and didn't try to escape or shake himself off all over us! (Last time, he slipped in his escape attempt and fell hard on his back!) Then, I gave him a frozen kong to distract him and scrubbed the floors and couch and washed everything I could get my hands on and now everything is fresh and clean!! (Although, Flip just farted and now it smells anything but fresh and clean.) After his whole ordeal Flip needed  to relax:

Wm even had a great plan for getting him out of the tub slowly and nicely. He dotted food pellets onto the towel and then left a small pile at the end. So, Flip got out of the tub calmly and happily and ate his way to the end of the towel while I dried him (instead of tearing around like a maniac). By the time he was done, he was pretty dry and my bathroom was not destroyed! Wm comes in pretty handy sometimes!!

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