Friday, September 15, 2017


Today is Wm's first virtual day at school. Basically, he gets to sit at home in his pajamas and attend his classes online. They do practice virtual days a few times a year because there is no such thing as a snow/calamity day at Metro! If you can't get to school, it's automatically a virtual day. So this is his first practice. He is excited!! They have virtual classrooms with webcams and speakers and he can click a button to "raise his hand." It's all very cool!

Steve, however, is not having a good time. He threw is back out at work yesterday because he is an old, old man. He went to Urgent Care and has muscle relaxers and super Advil, but he's still hobbling around, all pathetic-like. He made me laugh last night, though!
Steve: [gets up verrrrrry gingerly from couch and hisses]
Me: So we're still doing this back thing? It's stale, Steve.
Steve: I'm in a lot of pain!
Me: You're a big grump.
Steve: Omg! When you are in pain, you are a pill and a half!

Pill and a half, he said!! HAHA! Steve...still zinging 'em out when he's hobbled. He also didn't care for when I told him this wouldn't have happened if he strengthened his core up. But, my most favorite part is how his story changes based on whatever I'm nagging him about at that time. When he first called to tell me about it, I started telling him that he should not be lifting heavy things. He goes, "it wasn't even heavy!! It was like a chair!" So, later, when I saw him all crippled, I told him that if lifting a chair can do that to him, we better figure out what's going on with him because something ain't right. His response? "It was a super heavy wooden bench!" Basically, Steve is Donald Trump. I have no idea what he even lifted at this point. But, he's a sad sack, I'll tell you that! I made him tacos yesterday, so he was slightly appeased. If there's one thing Steve's tacos!

Check out Flippers sleeping next to me and snoring/twitching. Turn your volume all the way up to hear his little piglet snores!

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