Monday, September 25, 2017


This weekend was HOT. It felt like mid-July. I am now reeeeal excited about fall!

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit and we had a great time! We went to Wm's most favorite restaurant for dinner and he was thrilled with life! And Flip made a new friend:

We took a little walk, that turned out to be quite the trudge in 90 degree heat. Flip's black coat makes him superheat in the sun, too!  I think it's going to cool off this week, thank god.

Wm and Flip love to go to the playground together. Flip gets a trip to the park almost every night. When there are other dogs there, we are ignored while he runs around like a maniac. But, when there aren't, he and Wm do all the fun things together!

Wm has another virtual day today. When I left for work, he was sitting there in his underwear and Hugh Hefner robe. He's living the life!  He was a wild and crazy guy this weekend. Wm loves when we have company and runs around like a loon. Then, he exhausts himself. So, the virtual day is good timing - he doesn't even have to get dressed!!

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