Wednesday, September 27, 2017


The app for Blogger is not supported in iOS11 and now it's annoying to deal with. So I'm torn. It's very handy to do the blog because I have won a lot of arguments based on details I put up here (for example, Steve claimed Schroeder was 3, but he is 4. I proved it via the blog post from when we got him!) But, also, I'm lazy and this is now difficult. Maybe I'll just do fewer. We'll see. But, I'm annoyed. Blogger, you suck.

Here are some random things I have enjoyed this week:
Flip's nap: I can never get enough of his spotty belly
What a weirdo
The horrified look Flip gives me when I sing him love songs
Wm looking old with his new haircut
Wm says he has been inducted into the "Cheese Squad" at school. I guess it's just a group of friends who have code names that are all cheeses. Wm is Mozzarella. They sit together at lunch every day and talk about stuff. I asked him if they talk about cheese and he said no. I asked if he had to take a test about cheese to get in (or if there was some kind of gang initiation that involved cheese). Again, no. So I asked wtf cheese has to do with anything and he goes, "I have no idea. But String Cheese is out of the Squad." Maybe he was lactose intolerant? String is out and Mozzarella is in. Such is life.

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