Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Wm is gone. And officially 11. He is a real piece of work, though. He whined the whole way up to the school about having to carry one of his bags (even though I was carrying 2!) Then, he was a grump about getting his picture taken, he was mad that I told his teachers it is his birthday, and then refused to give me a hug in front of his friends!! we are. I told him that I would chase him around screaming, "KISSIES!" if he didn't give me a hug, so I could make things way worse for him. He relented and gave me a pathetic one arm hug. Then, didn't even bother to look over at me as I madly waved good-bye. He was too busy hanging with his friends. I guess that's a good sign. But I am bummed. At least Flip was very sad to see me go when I dropped him off at doggie day care! I'm telling you, dogs are way more emotionally fulfilling than children. AND, Flip will never leave me for some bitch. (Get it? Bitch? DOG ZING!)

Heading out
At the school!
Annoyed with taking pictures
Telling me to stop taking his picture
Wm returns on Friday. Hopefully not covered in bed bugs and dirt.

Meanwhile, the carpets are now cleaned. Flip was weirded out by the break in our normal routine. So he ate another basket and gnawed on our bed frame. But he felt really bad about it. To show Steve how guilty he was, I took a video of said guilt. Enjoy:

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