Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Nailed it.

Well, I nailed it! Wm was home sick from school yesterday. I assumed he'd have a cold, but his tummy was all jacked. He is feeling nearly all better today and is off to school. It seems to come and go, so I hope he's OK during the day! I left at lunch yesterday and hung out with him. He actually took a nap, which NEVER happens. He slept like a rock last night, so that's good!

We put Flip in his crate, even thought Wm was home (so his routine is the same) - so it was interesting to hear what he did, since Wm was there to observe. He said Flip single-mindedly licked his kong for a while, then just laid down and went to sleep. Wm said the only time he was agitated was when the cats came out and pranced in front of his cage to torment him. Apparently, Flip whined sadly and bopped the door with his paw. But then just settled down and went back to sleep.

Moving the crate to the living room and making into a "welcoming den" has super helped!! Flip really likes his crate now and it is his "safe place." He will go in there and hang out if he just wants to be alone or is really tired. Luna is also enjoying it.

Thanks for this awesome bed, folks.
Flip just hanging out in there, door open
Wm and I also taught Flip how to shake!! He has it DOWN. He had to go to the vet to get a booster shot yesterday and they gave him a treat. He was trying to shake with everyone to get more! Now Flip has nailed "sit" and "shake." We are working on "stay" and "quiet." He is doing OK with both, but not perfect quite yet! He cannot figure out "lay down" at all, so that one has a lot more work! Wm took a video of Flip showing off his mad skeelz:

And, guess who popped another tire? You guessed it. Steve. He came home all grumpy and went and just silently laid down in bed, pouting. I have never popped a tire, but I don't drive like Luke Duke, either. So hopefully Steve has learned a lesson! He is very sad, so it appears to have made an impact! Since he's the one who has to deal with the fallout, I can happily ignore his tire issues.

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