Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Empy Nest

Wm leaves for camp tomorrow and I am not pleased. Wm isn't quite as pleased as he was before since it's going to be cold and rainy. But, I went to Target yesterday and got him a cool raincoat thing he can wear over coats of varying thickness. So he can wear a heavy, warm coat, and put this bigger rain coat over it and still be totally dry. It's basically a kid poncho - but shaped like a coat so he will actually wear it. The one good thing is that I am using this Wm-free opportunity to have our carpets cleaned!! Flip gets to go to Doggie Daycare while that's happening.

Wm and I took Flip for a walk in the ravine yesterday after school and Flip wanted to frolic in the creek. He had the greatest dog time of his life! But he was soaking wet. Apparently,  I was so focused on drying him off before he got into the house that I left my key in the front door. Steve found it this morning. So I am in trouble. Oooops.

I love this series of pictures of Wm and Flip snuggling on the couch post-walk.
Flip playing coy
Wm playing coy
Just being cute
Wm loves Flip!
I made the terrible mistake of getting Flip a toy while I was at Target getting Wm's raincoat. I thought it was a silent toy. It is NOT a silent toy. It it a nightmare. And he LOVES it. He is obsessed with it. He pouts when we take it away (because we want to eat dinner without the accompanying squeak festival!) Here he is playing with his toy - and being distracted when he think he hears Steve come home from work:

It was a big night for Flip because Wm also got out and played with the helicopter he got for his birthday. And Flip was NOT sure about that thing. He barked at it like a maniac. It was pretty funny. I got a clip of him right as the battery died. But this had gone on for quite some time:

Luna is just acting like her regular (EVIL) self now, but Schroeder is finally starting to have mini-adventures out of the basement. He will come out now and act normal when Flip is asleep. And he will come and sit in the kitchen (right by the basement) when Flip is awake and watch him warily. Flip loves him some Luna, but he seems to mostly ignore Schroeder. I think that's because Luna taunts him and Schroeder does not. Steve is very pleased Schroeder is emerging!

Flip's favorite place to nap is under Wm's bed. So I outsmarted him. I put his fancy bed UNDER Wm's bed so he can get used to sleeping in there. Then, I will hopefully move it to our bedroom so he will sleep there instead of in my bed!! This may all be for nothing...but it's worth a shot. And Steve is very crabby about Flip's giant, twitchy dog body in our bed! So far, it's working:
Baby steps
Wm had quite the set up last night - all in an attempt to curtail any future nosebleeds (especially before camp!) I stuffed Vaseline up his nostrils to keep them moist (which was as gross as it sounds - and I had to twirl my pinky all around his weirdly tiny nostrils). Then, I set up both an air purifier to remove allergens and a humidifier to put some more moisture in the air. He had all the devices going in there! Fingers crossed it works!!

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