Monday, February 20, 2017

Nugget No More

We have finalized our adoption of the new kitten! When we went back Saturday morning to do it, though, we decided she doesn't look like a Nugget. So after MUCH family debate (I was partial to Tuna Fey, Wm liked Yogurt, and Steve just kept spouting dumb names like Scooter and was no help), we finally all agreed on Luna. She's all silvery and looks like a moonbeam, so we thought it was fitting, So, Nugget has been re-christened Luna. Luna was as sweet as we remembered! We can't wait to bring her home! They are trying to bump her surgery up, so we may get her Thursday, but they said to plan for Saturday.

While we were at the Humane Society filling out Luna adoption paperwork, they had a puppy all alone in a "play room." So, OF COURSE, we had to go play with her. I tell you, if Steve hadn't basically said, "the puppy or me," I'd have left with a puppy and a kitten! (It was still a close call!)
Then, Grandma and Grandpa came to town and we got to take a short hike in the gorgeous weather and go out to dinner. It was a great day!!

Sunday, however, was suuuuuuper busy. We were all exhausted by the end of the day. But, now we have all the Luna gear we need, Wm has new sneaks, we have 2 washed/waxed cars (thanks to Wm, our washer!), and Wm has a bedroom door that will actually stay closed to contain Luna. I also took Steve on a Death March walk to enjoy yet another amazing February day! I don't know what kind of global climate change catastrophe is happening, but, so far, I'm digging it! Flowers are up and the trees have buds! Wheeeee!!!

On our walk, talking about a creepy guy in our neighborhood...
Me: He is definitely going to murder me one day.
Steve: Yeah, he is for sure going to kill a young woman.
Me: Totally.
Steve: So...not you.

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