I scheduled on my calendar that Saturday was a jammie day. No one was supposed to get out of their pajamas all day. The plan was to lounge around like slugs for the entire day. But, Steve immediately ruined it by setting his alarm, getting out of bed, getting dressed, and going to watch a soccer match with his friends at some bar (at 7:30am!) He was all sad because he could no longer watch them on his phone with some app. But while he was whining around to his friends at the game about his sad fate, one of them gave him his info, so Steve is once again connected. And will not have to find some obscure bar showing EPL soccer games at all hours. Wm and I, however, were successful in our pursuit of jammie day. (Although, I did cheat and get dressed to take a walk because it was sunny!)
On Sunday, it was gorgeous! So we took a walk around Antrim Lake. Then we went and walked dogs at the Humane Society. There was one that I was about one second away from taking home. She was soooo sweet. But then, when we took her out for her walk, as soon as she was out of the cage, she was like, "screw you guys!" and was completely indifferent to our existence. She played us! She was a hound dog, so she did get to go outside and sniff all the things. So, everyone won. And I don't think Schroeder, Emperor and Semi-Benevolent Dictator of the House would permit an intruder into his domain.
Steve was bummed because he's scary. He ran to the library to pick up a book (not for him, of course), and it was about 6pm, so it was already dark. When he got out of his car in the parking lot, a woman was walking by. She looked at Steve and literally took off at a full run to get away from him and inside the library. Steve was all offended. He came home and was like, "do I look scary?" I told him that he has a penis - so that is threatening to any woman in a dark parking lot. He didn't buy it, but I was still on Team Terrified Woman. (It did crack me up to think of Steve attacking anyone and so I told him about a comedian who did a bit about a woman running from him in a darkened subway station. He thought she saw something scary behind him, so started running too. At which time she screamed and turned to fight him - and then he finally realized HE was the something scary and had to convince her he was harmless.) Apparently Steve went into the library in a huff like, "I AM HERE TO READ! Not to rape anyone!" But the woman didn't even see him, so his entire "I read" charade was for nothing.
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