Friday, February 24, 2017


We got the call yesterday afternoon that Luna was ready for pickup! I left work a bit early and got everything set up. Then, as soon as Wm got home, off we went! We had Luna in our clutches by 4pm. She was very sad about the car ride, but as soon as we let her out of the carrier in Wm's room, she was at home! She wasn't scared or timid at all. In fact, she immediately rubbed all over us, purring, then explored the room, had a snack, and came back for more loves. Then she took a nap after her big day! She is THE SWEETEST cat ever!!

And Schroeder took it so much better than we thought he would! I did get a plugin that disburses happy cat pheromones into the house, which is supposed to keep things calm. Either that worked or Schroeder is more chill than we thought. He is definitely VERY INTERESTED in what is now living in Wm's room. But, there was no hissing, no puffing, and no growling. In fact, he seems to want to be door friends. Schroeder spends almost all his time camped out by Wm's door. I think this may be the start of a beautiful friendship!

Steve is very cute because he is super concerned about Luna's incision. Every time she jumps, he's like, "Luuuuuna! Be careful!" And Wm is basically on Cloud 9. You can't help but love the little puffball. She is a cuddle bug!

Wm took Luna into his room and played with her while I hung out with Schroeder so he didn't feel left out. Here is their first "meeting":

Then, after a few minutes, Schroeder calmed down and then spent most of the rest of the day like this:

After a while, Luna decided she wanted to play and Schroeder was like, "WHuT."

Later, Wm and switched places. Turn up your volume and you can hear all the purrs! Luna LOVES people and is all about the attention.

She even sleep purrs!

After her big day, eventually Luna freaked Steve out by jumping onto Wm's bed and taking a nap.
Look at her spotty pink belly!
Then, when it was bedtime, she settled into the fluffy cat bed we got from Schroeder and covered with her "comfort blanket" that came with her from the Humane Society. She slept there most of the night, according to Wm.
Snoozing. Could you die?
I have heard of dogs seeming to know that they have been "saved" from the pound, but Luna seems to completely realize that she is now home and is SUPER happy about it. She settled right in and is like, "this is a cush gig." The only sad part is now I have to go to work all day and can't snuggle her constantly!! Luna welcomes visitors!

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