Monday, May 12, 2014

Worst News Bears

Today was Wm's first baseball practice of the season - and Steve is coaching again. When they got home, I bundled Wm into the shower and went in to chat with Steve.  He said that they needed a lot of practice and I go, "oh, are they the Bad News Bears?" Steve said, "Worst News Bears, more like.  We have some real annoying kids, too." I asked who was annoying and why - after rattling off MANY names and offenses, I interrupted and asked, "Was anyone NOT annoying?" Steve thought about it and goes, "William." I laughed and asked if it was possible that Steve just did not like children instead of the probability of having a team with a bunch of annoying kids, his own being the lone exception.  Steve goes, "I like William." I asked if he liked any OTHER children who are not Wm, after thinking about it for a while, he goes, "Gotta shower…" and scampered off.  Classic avoidance tactic.  I recognize it well.

Meanwhile, I had a REAL awkward conversation about racism with Wm, wherein I tried to explain why some people hate other people because of their color, religion, sexual orientation, or other such ridiculousness.  Wm was like, "BUT THAT IS CRAZY! WHY?!?!" I fumbled around, not even making sense to myself and then just ended with, "Just love everyone! Ahhhh! I'm botching this!" Wm goes, "Can I not like someone if they bully me?" I was like, "Oh, sure.  You can not like lots of people for other reasons. Wait. Ummm…GAH! Want some popcorn?" And thus ended my sad attempt at explaining the depths of human stupidity to an 8 year old. 

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