Friday, May 9, 2014

Weird Cat

I found a couple other random Wm birthday pics on my phone.  Wm likes to find his birthday presents, so we hide them around the house and he hunts them up.
Excited about finding a Minecraft sword
Football and card found! Schroeder supervising.
I also had to take a picture of this because I think it's pretty awesome - one of the perks of working in Biomedical Engineering (besides the emails about cryogenic mice).  In one of our labs they have a 3-D printer that they print weird body parts on (like arteries and stuff).  When I was amazed/horrified/dumbfounded by how you can "print" actual things, let alone body parts, a student found my reaction amusing. So he printed me an OSU keychain for funsies. I am halfway afraid to touch it because it may give me radiation poisoning or something.

Schroeder's favorite thing to play fetch with is some weird bone thing from a Lego set Wm has. He will play for hours. And, he likes to drop the bone on your head while you are sleeping and go, "MEOW!" Which is a no-win situation because if you ignore him, he continues to intensify his yowling. But if you throw the bone, then the game is on. He is a weird cat.

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