Thursday, May 22, 2014

Home Stretch

Wm is almost done with school!  Tomorrow is his last Friday of 2nd grade since the school year ends on Thursday.  They have their annual Lunch on the Lawn and then the kiddos are let loose!  Mimi and I will be attending Lunch on the Lawn this year, in what has become an annual tradition near heat stroke and fun times. Wm is beside himself with glee about the prospect of Summer Clubhouse coming up.  He loooooves Summer Clubhouse. He brought home a really cool piece of art (not even the one from the Art Show) that I forgot to take a picture of.  I will have to remember to do that!

I have to go get a cavity taken care of in an hour and I am trying to take my mind off it by writing a post even though nothing really interesting is happening since we are all just killing time until summer break.

I guess Steve did text me a funny picture. Every night after I go to bed, Steve stays up and plays video games for an hour or so. He always tells me Schroeder uses that time to sleep on top of his feet the entire time he plays.  So I woke up to this:
Nightly ritual
And, Schroeder literally growled at the mailman.  The front door was open with the screen door closed while we waited for Wm to get home from school and all of a sudden, I saw Schroeder's fur stand all up and he puffed himself up and growled creepily.  So I looked at the door and the poor mailman was just putting mail in our mailbox, oblivious to the feline rage directed his way.  Then the cat went, "RRRROOOOOAAAAAWWWWWW!" and ran/hopped down to the basement and refused to come up until Wm came home. Of course, Wm found the story of the cat growling at the mailman to be the funniest thing he's heard all week.

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