Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Power has been restored to Pinkliwink Acres and all is right with our world once more!  Wm seemed remarkably unfazed by the entire thing.  He, mostly, didn't even notice until the iPad ran out of juice and it was too dark to read or put together Legos.  Meanwhile, for the first few days, Steve acted like he was a step away from death by heat stroke at all times.  There was lots of dramatic sighing and laying around in nothing but underpants, moaning.  (He is currently in the shower singing a happy song - how the times have changed.) Then, after our power came on and was cruelly yanked away again...I lost it.  I nearly cried.  It was the hope....the dashed hope.  So we spent yesterday compiling survival gear.  We got some oil lamps and drove all the way out to Pickerington to get battery operated fans.  Even though we only needed them for less than 24 hours, it was TOTALLY worth it.  

Wm has said about ONE MILLION hilarious things the past few days - real winners.  But, without internet, I haven't been able to write them down. And, of course, have forgotten.  I do remember the best, though:

Steve is giving Wm a bath...
Steve: This ball stinks! (some bath toy)
Wm: My balls stink? Let's wash 'em!

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