Saturday, July 21, 2012

Random Stuff

While trying to kick Steve, Wm hit his ear on the table and hurt himself.  He got super pissed when I told him his fairy godmother flew away because he was being evil so he got hurt.  So then Steve put his post-hernia surgery ice pack holder on Wm's head and all was well.  And hilarious.

The boys were playing Plants vs. Zombies on the iPad and weirdly talking in (what appears to be) bad Italian accents.  It went on FOREVER.  Or just seemed to.  Here is a snippet:

And then here are a couple more Color Run pictures (in addition to the ones I already posted today!)
We were RUNNING!

We will also now all have a bad case of Orange Lung
Color Run was super fun!!!  Unfortunately, Steve gave Wm a chocolate chip bagel from Panera Bread for breakfast this morning after I was gone.  Only to discover, after it had been devoured, that it has milk in it.  So Wm and Steve were in the bathroom when we crossed the finish line.  Once we managed to find them, they were both very crabby.  Steve was like, "The meter expired FOREVER ago.  That took A LOT longer than I thought!  We need to GO." And Wm was going, "My belly SERIOUSLY hurts!  Like...major pain.  LOTS OF PAIN HERE."  So we did not get to enjoy any jazz or any ribs. I EARNED those ribs, too.

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