Friday, July 27, 2012

The Good Kid

Wm earns $1 a week in allowance and is expected to, for that, fold his own laundry, clean his room, and clean up after himself (at dinner, around the house, etc).  He really wanted some $5 iPad app so we told him he could earn extra allowance by doing more chores.  Wm could earn $1 for sweeping downstairs and $1 for sweeping upstairs.  He gladly took us up on that.  And it was hilarious to watch him vacuum since the sweeper was bigger than he was!  But he gave it 100% effort!

We are so proud of Wm!  He has continually told us that another kid at camp, who used to be his BFF in kindergarten, is super mean to him.  Then, yesterday, he said this kid hit him in the face with a ball and punched him in the stomach.  So, clearly, we were appalled.  We talked with Wm about good ways to respond to stuff like that and then asked if he wanted us to address it with his teachers.  He said he did, so this morning at drop off, Steve decided he would say something.  Turns out, the teacher had 2 incident reports for us to sign for the beatings Wm took yesterday.  She said this other kid has been to the office 3 times in the last week because of how he's treated Wm!  I guess she said Wm is a "loner" and after a few activities, needs some quiet alone play. And this kid keeps harassing him and following him around - and Wm just keeps trying to walk away and escape, so then the kid gets pissed and goes nuts.  She said it was 100% the other kid and Wm is awesome about it!!  First time ever Wm has been the good kid on the receiving end of bad kid antics!! So, she said they are having a  meeting with the other parents and will keep a REAL close eye on the other kid and keep him away from Wm.  I am just so happy that Wm is the good kid this time!  I know someone who is getting Jeni's this weekend.

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