Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sarcastic Rabbit Ears

Wm is done with preschool!  They gave him very sweet books about his time in preschool, and a disk filled with pictures.  Wm is super excited for Monday!  And, he has weirdly decided he wants to read before he gets to kindergarten, so he is trying to read everything.  He is actually getting really good!  He's surprised me with a few words he has gotten without any problem (tomorrow, shampoo, optional).  He sat and read me his entire preschool book!  We were also sitting in the car and he was all, "if 2+4=4, then does 20+20=40?"  Super genius.

Wm also uses his super genius powers for evil.  He totally gave me sarcastic rabbit ears tonight at dinner!  I laughed so hard that I insisted he do it again on video.  The back story is that I got some new lip balm that I think I had an allergic reaction to - Steve is skeptical and has made his skepticism no secret.  I was saying at dinner that I think I am just going to throw the lip balm away.  And Wm did this:

Wm found this GIANT carrot in our garden yesterday and the whole family feasted upon it's orangey goodness:

While at Costco today we found a carton of the best strawberries ever that weigh as much as I do.  So, thinking of ways we could use all those strawberries, Wm and I made pound cake for strawberry shortcake.  The recipe I used called for a "tube pan" and I though, "tube pan, loaf pan...same dif."  Not so much.  The pound cake looks like it has been through some horrible war.  But tastes amazing!  So no pictures.  But, Wm helped more with this than he ever has!  He is becoming quite the chef!  He cracked all 5 eggs, measured and poured in all the dry ingredients, and mixed it all up.  Only one egg was lost in the whole process!

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