Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rough Day

Wm woke up in a great mood and we had a great morning, but as soon as it was time to put his shoes on and head down to the bus stop, he said, "I don't want to go!"  Then he kept asking how many more days until the weekend.  We walked up to the bus stop, and he seemed very upset (lip a'quiver), but he went.  While we waited, he continued to be very wary of the whole business.  He climbed up onto the bus and sat down.  But then I watched as his little face crumbled and he started crying.  My last view was of Wm crying and crying as he blew me kisses and waved as the bus pulled away.  All the other moms at the bus stop felt horrible and I got lots of hugs and sympathy (one of the other moms was crying just watching Wm), but it was HARD.  I cried the whole way home, then called and cried into Steve's ear for 15 minutes.  I barely focused on anything today and just sat around worrying about Wm.  

His bus was LATE (apparently some other kindergartener had gotten on the wrong bus and held up the whole process).  It finally rolled in nearly a half hour late.  And Wm got off all smiles.  He says he had a good day - and still loves Mrs. Couch.  Apparently he was today's "lucky duck," which means he got to do some primo stuff (not clear what) and gets a special letter to bring home from Mrs. Couch.  And today was gym day, so Wm got to run all around and skip and jump.  So it sounds like Wm had a much better day than I did.  I asked him why he was sad this morning and he said, "I missed you and didn't want to leave you."  Which is weird because it's not like he wasn't in preschool!  So I think it's just the novelty of the whole thing.

He seemed great yesterday evening too, so we'll see how tomorrow morning goes.  Fingers crossed that the good mood lasts!  But, if nothing else, Steve is on duty to take him to the bus stop tomorrow morning, so I will miss any horror that ensues. I don't think I could take it again!

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