Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ohio State Fair!

Operation Wm Dump was successful and Steve and I are officially kidless for the week!  Since the fair was ending, we woke up and hit the place up right at opening time on Saturday before we left.  Wm had the time of his life.  He must have said a million times how much fun he was having and how much he loved their fair.  The highlight was probably the deep fried buckeyes we got.  Seriously....GOOD.  Wm had a BLAST riding rides and playing games!

Wm LOVED the Big Slide.  He rode it 3 times!!!  That is $12 worth of slide riding.  Yeahhhhhh.

He can't see the pure joy on his face...but it was worth $12.

Mommy's turn to do the Big Slide with Wm!

The jig is up, the noose is out, they finally found him - the renegade, he had it made...

Caterpillar ride

Helicopter ride

Wm won this weird blue dog made in China by beating Daddy at the water gun game.  So, basically, Wm wins inhaling strange lead fibers.

Wm "won" his first pet!  He actually lost, but was so cute doing it, the carnie dude running the booth gave Wm a goldfish anyway!  Wm wanted to name him "Goldie," but I said that was boring, so I suggested naming him "Larry Goldstein, Attourney-at-Law."  Wm liked that, but said he can't remember it all, so he calls him Larry.  Surprisingly, after buying Larry a little home and food, he is still alive 24 hours later.

Wm very initially VERY wary of the skyride - but when there were fried buckeyes to be had at the end, he was willing to get on.  Once we got up there, he goes, "THIS IS GREAT!!!! Not scary at all!"  I think Mommy was a bit more freaked out by it than Wm was!

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