Saturday, June 4, 2011


I feel like a pioneer.  With my crop.  I woke up this morning, went outside (it's cool and sunny) and squatted around in the wet grass to pick a bucket o' strawberries. Then I brought them inside and decided to make some chocolate chip scones to go with them.  My bowl of freshly picked strawberries was sitting on the counter next to me as I rolled out and sliced up my scones.  The house smells amazing!  The nice things about not really being a pioneer: food processors to whip up the scone dough without any physical labor, gas ovens to cook them in, and, oh yeah, electricity.  But, I still feel pretty awesome!  (As is evidenced by the fact that I insisted on taking a picture of my breakfast before eating it.)

Wm LOVES chocolate chip scone mornings.  But he wanted his strawberries on the side (and no whipped cream, which I think is, frankly, creepy).

Wm was rooting around in one of his giant lego bins the other day when he goes, "I am not even kidding when I say this...I have way too much legos."  

And, it is official.  We filled out Wm's notice of intent to discontinue at OSU Preschool.  He is now all signed up for kindergarten and un-signed up for preschool.  His last day of preschool is August 26.  He starts kindergarten that Monday (Aug 29).  I never thought I'd see the day!

Meanwhile, in Steve news, the owner of Soccer First gave him a huge list of questions he wanted Steve to type up a responses to. He is trying to move Steve into a position to completely run Soccer First.  Steve is a bit freaked out...but also excited (I think).  Because Steve's excited face looks a lot like his nervous face (which looks a lot like his euphoric face and his sad face and his mad face...Steve is tough to read, is what I'm saying).  And he's also not much of a talker.  I think he enjoys being an enigma.  An enigma wrapped in bacon.

Wm goes to Mimi's for a visit tonight - while Steve and I are going to see X-Men and out to dinner.  Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Wm has developed a new persona.  He calls this is "Predator Face":

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