We had Wm's first middle school conference yesterday. It was great!! Wm's math teacher said he is GREAT. He said Wm always volunteers in class, works really well with the other kids, and is doing great! He said he is going to recommend that Wm move on to Algebra I next semester. He told a funny story about when they were doing group work. The class is all 8th grade, except for Wm and 2 7th graders - so Wm's team was two 8th grade girls and him. I guess he went to the bathroom and the girls were like, "WHERE IS WILLIAM! WE NEED HELP!" The teacher said about 10 times, "you should be so proud of Wm." We definitely are!!
We also chatted with his Genetics teacher. She had all good things to say as well! Wm is actually wrapping that class up. He only has 2 weeks left. Then, he moves on to Medical Detectives. In that class, he gets to dissect sheep brains! Wm is not excited about that. But, I have arranged for them to take a field trip to my office and do cool stuff in our labs (like break chicken bones and ultrasound themselves!) Genetics is definitely his hardest class. The teacher has high expectations and Wm is the only kid in there not in the 8th grade. But, the teacher said she expects him to get an A and pass along to Medical Detectives without any problems!
We didn't need to meet with Wm's other teachers. In Regions of the World he has a 101% and is, basically, able to teach that class. And, in Short Stories, Plays & Poems, he has a 99% and is rocking out. So they said we don't even need to meet.
We celebrated with empanadas!
In more good news, Flip seems to be doing better! Steve keeps cautioning me that it's only been 24 hours on his new food. BUT, just in those 24 hours, he's more playful and has had a totally normal dog poo. He NEVER has normal poos! So, I am cautiously optimistic!
Poor Steve was exhausted this morning. Thanks to a sale and a rebate, we got a Nest thermostat for $19!
Apparently installation wasn't as easy as Steve hoped and he was up until all to all hours working on it. But, as of this morning, it appears to be working!! It's a good time to do this, because we don't need heat/AC right now. So Steve can tinker away!
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