Sunday, November 13, 2016


Wm and his amigos have already updated their strange hand game to include Trump:

We spent yesterday with Wm's great grandpa. Who, I think, may be the first and only Trump supporter Wm has met in person. When they talk about living in a bubble...I guess we really do. We live in a neighborhood where 90% of people around us are liberal, I work at OSU (where the one conservative person in my department is tiptoed around since we all feel bad for him and his misguided ways), and Wm attends a very progressive school (where all the kids booed the one house around with a Trump sign in the yard during their Halloween parade).

But, Wm was REALLY good yesterday. Like, the best he has ever been. He sat on Great Papa's couch for nearly 2 hours, just nodding along and being, otherwise, nice and pleasant. He never looked bored or bothered. I'm not sure I could have done the same thing at 10! He then endured a trip to Great Papa's store and out to dinner, where none of the conversation or activities were geared toward a 10 year old's interests. I heaped praise on him on the car ride home, and he practically glowed. He's turning into a really kind and compassionate young man! Great Papa gave him his father's pocket watch (which, therefore, belonged to Wm's great great grandfather and is over 100 years old). Wm received it with the proper gravitas and now has it displayed in its little glass case. So, basically, he's the best. And he made the trip to see Great Papa a wonderful day!

Sadly, I was wrong about the release date of the new Harry Potter movie. Wm is pretty sad since he really wants to see it. Next weekend!! So we are laying around like giant slugs today!

And, if you haven't already seen this, get some tissues ready. Neither Steve nor I could watch it dry-eyed. We are still taking this all pretty hard.

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