Friday, November 11, 2016

Butt String

Schroeder apparently ate the string off Wm's yo-yo. Last night, he started tearing around the house like a crazy cat and then ended his tear in the basement. He started making SUPER WEIRD noises. Steve finally got close enough to discover the string was hanging out of his cat butt. He had pooped out about a quarter of it, but the other bit was still inside him. After Steve chased him down, he had to pull the remainder of the string out of his cat ass. So that was pretty exciting. Wm, of course, thought all this was HILARIOUS. After the trauma, we gave Schroeder some treats for surviving, and he seemed fine. Steve, however, has PTSD.

I am off work today for Veteran's Day - woot! But The Boys still have work and school. The left about a half hour ago and I have bread rising and homemade stock in the fridge for chicken noodle soup tonight. Next on the agenda are reading, napping, and Netflixing. Alone days off are THE BEST.

Tomorrow, we head up to Marion to visit with Wm's great grandpa. And on Sunday, we are going to go to see the new Harry Potter world movie!

Wm takes a test next week to "benchmark" him for accelerated 7/8 Math next year. Since he currently has an A in 6th grade gifted Math, I think it's a good idea! I'm not exactly sure what happens with that once we change schools (since Wm won't be going to middle school where he is right now for math). But, it will be good to have the scores, I guess! I have arranged tours of the 2 middle schools we are considering for early December. Applications for the one are due in February and we find out in March if Wm was selected. For the other, Wm qualifies handily to attend Columbus Gifted Academy, so we know he can go there no matter what! The nice thing about that one, as well, is that he already has a number of friends that go there. And, I'm guessing a fair number that will also be heading there for middle school. If he gets into the magnet school, I think he will have to make all new friends! But, Wm seems undaunted. Before we tour, the STEM magnet school is his top choice! That may all change once he sees them. So exciting times!!

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