Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Nature's Majesty

As we are eating breakfast this morning, Steve started whisper freaking out. Turns out, a horn-ed deer was just hanging out in our backyard, steps away from the back door!! So, of course, we stood there watching him for a long time (Steve saying under his breath, "please don't eat my lilac bushes, deer!") We wondered where the mommy and baby deer were that sometimes sleep in the way back part of our yard. Super cool!!!

Steve has his car back and all is well. Turns out the battery was dead-dead and he needed a whole new one. The evil dealership, despite being mean and rude to him, ended up shuttling him to and from work, so that was good. And it was all covered by warranty. Steve was not pleased at all, but he actually handled it like a champ and was not grumpy or freaking out (too much). 

Wm used the time that all of this drama was unfolding to have unsupervised screen time. In which he watched an hour's worth of fairly inappropriate YouTube videos. Steve periodically checks his viewing history and last night he was like, "WHAAAAAAT?!" So this morning at breakfast (after the deer), we had to institute some new YouTube/Internet-viewing rules. Wm didn't really seem to care all that much since he's still allowed to watch the Minecraft and other gamer videos he subscribes to. And I told him he can watch all the kitten videos he wants (he loves those things). But he has to check on any other videos before viewing them and then watch them WITH Steve or I. He said that sounded fair and all is well. 

This is Wm's last week at Clubhouse! Thanks to Mimi, he has a dresser full of school clothes ready to go! And a new soft robe that he the most excited about. He loves that robe. I guess Wm is into leisure wear. He is the Hugh Hefner of 4th grade.

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