Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I'm officially 37! Which I guess is super old? I don't feel old, but everyone else keeps telling me 37 is old. Soooo…they can suck it. Wm, however, is on the nice list because he wrote me a super sweet card. He woke up at 6am and snuck in and left this on my night stand.
I can't explain how many times I've thought: "she's the best mom ever!"
I love you infinity forever!
I think you deserve a better card, but I was afraid I would wake you up, so I wrote you a VERY NICE card HIDDEN IN MY ROOM.

The card he made me was hidden in his room and had a random drawing of some dude and presents all over and it switched back and forth between wishing me a happy Mother's Day and happy birthday (apparently difficult to keep straight) and also mostly focused on the fact that he deserves more screen time because he's so nice. Nailed it.

We took the day off yesterday and went out to a nice a lunch, then dumped Wm at Mimi's house and went to see 50 Shades of Grey (Steve actually really liked it, I was pleasantly surprised based on how awful the books/reviews were - and it cracked me up how the lead actor kept lapsing back into his Irish accent at random times throughout the movie.) Then we got home and it snowed. And got really cold. So Wm is off school today and at work with me. He is, of course, thrilled with this development. 

I read a really good book yesterday that I got for Wm called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Everyone should read that book. You can easily read it in one sitting. Steve even sat and read a quarter of it at once!!! Made me cry. Wm, however, is being evil about reading it for some reason.

Lastly, here is Wm singing the heck out of Let It Go:

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