Thursday, July 24, 2014

Humiliating Defeat

Wm's baseball team suffered a 21-4 loss last night in the semi-finals (to the undefeated first place team). Wm scored a run, so he was happy. He also said he was "baseballed out," so, all-in-all, he was not displeased by this turn of events. If anything, he seemed somewhat relieved. I was not able to be there because I was stuck at home waiting for Columbia Gas to come and do something that took 2 seconds in our basement (probably casing the joint). Annoying. I used my mountain of alone time to take pictures of Fatty McGee sleeping next to me on the couch and play with my camera settings.

artist cat shot.
It was suuuuuper hot earlier this week. Steve was doing something outside at work and texted me back this picture when I asked if it was hot out:

Luckily, it rained yesterday and cooled way off because we are all taking the day off tomorrow to go the state fair. Wm is super duper excited!! He loves the fair. We also have a ton of work to do this weekend taming our insane backyard jungle. I'm sure I will get lots of pictures of Wm doing exciting fair things. 

And, lastly, Wm was talking about the "Leaning Tower of Pizza" yesterday. When I told him it was the Leaning Tower of Pisa, he goes, "what is PISA?!?!" I go, "A place in Italy." Wm was very sad to learn it was not a giant tower of pizza.

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