Sunday, April 27, 2014


Steve worked all day yesterday.  I decided I would surprise him by having the kitchen painted by the time he got home.  However, I did not think through this plan and ran into a hiccup when I realized I needed to move the fridge and it was VERY heavy. Using my super human strength, I moved it all by myself! The other hiccup is that Steve came home and didn't like my white kitchen and was all crabby about it.  When I told him he's welcome to repaint it himself, he decided it was fine. ha!  Steve has started work on the floor.  It is a TEDIOUS job since under the tiles was horrific linoleum flooring that some evil demon glued to the subfloor. Steve has been suuuuuper bitchy all day.
Thank god he at least has Schroeder's help
Obligatory butt shot
We went to our second, and last, Path 2 Membership class at the UU church today.  Wm refused to stay in the kid room (it was populated by 3 other kids, all under 2).  So he spent the entire time hunched in the corner of the class with Steve's cell phone playing Minecraft. At least 3 people came in and told Wm there was a kid's room and tried to helpfully show him where to go.  He was not having it.  That kid can be STUBBORN.  To his credit, he was completely silent and good the entire time.

As Steve was driving home from work, he called to give me his ETA.  I looked over as he was talking and saw this happening:
Steve: Wha-
Me: EMERGENCY. [click]
[1 minute later]
Me: [calling Steve back] Sorry about that.
Steve: Aaaaanyway, are we going to have lunch before we go to church?
Me: Yeah, of course. But…you don't care about the emergency?
Steve: No.
Me: Wow. It could have been a huge deal!
Steve: [laughs] I'm sure it wasn't. I know you. You probably freaked out and had to go because the cat was doing something cute and you wanted to take a picture of it and you don't know how to do that while you're on the phone.
Me: Damnit.

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