Wm has never outgrown a pair of shoes. He destroys them long before that happens. His latest pair of sneakers developed large, gaping holes along the sides from where he drags them to break his scooter (despite repeated reminders to use the actual break ON the scooter!) So, the Great Shoe Hunt began again. Wm, like his dad, is very particular about what shoes he will wear.
I caved and let Wm get tie shoes this time. It takes him (what seems like) hours to get those things tied. Because of the "time suck" issue, the last time I just got him velcro so we could get out the door in a decent amount of time. Wm wasn't pleased (they were "baby shoes") and I realized that if I don't give in, he'll still be wearing velcro in college. However, the timing is bad because now Schroeder attacks the hell out of Wm's laces as he painstakingly ties and double knots his shoes. It took nearly 10 minutes for the whole thing to get done this morning - and ended with me holding an evil, squirmy cat who was trying to lunge at Wm's shoes for the zillionth time and Wm screaming, "GOOOOO AAAAAWAY, CAT!!!!!"
BUT - how cute is he in his new fancy kicks?
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