Saturday, March 23, 2013

Still Winter

Last week at work was INSANE. Some genius had scheduling start the first day back from spring break.  All my students were at Defcon 5.  And everyone else at work had some sort of bubonic plague so I was holding down the fort solo.  Hence the lack of exciting Wm updates.

Wm has been up to all his usual fun pursuits.  He has learned all about the Titanic and finds it fascinating.  He now rattles off random Titanic facts at dinner ("Did you know when the Titanic sank most ships turned their radios off at night? So no one heard the Titanic's distress call for a long time.  It's now the law that ships must leave their radios on all night because of what happened to the Titanic.")

Mimi took Wm summer clothes shopping this afternoon.  He got a ton of super cute stuff!!  Then, we came home to discover the Easter Bunny had visited Grandma and Grandpa! Wm was so PUMPED!!!!  He is currently putting together the Lego set.

Wm with his Easter spoils
Wm said he doesn't believe it the Easter Bunny and that he is a "myth."  He goes, "I think Grandma bought this stuff.  How did she know I wanted a Lego Chima set? She is so nice."

I have signed Steve up for acupuncture now for his weird hip biz.  I am hoping it helps!!  He is an old, sad man.  He goes next weekend for his first visit.  My jaw pain is gone (and hopefully this keeps it at bay!)  And Mimi has had equally good knee results. So hopefully Steve experiences similar success!

And this just cracks me up:

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