Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Irritable Bowels of Wm

Poor Wm has been having tummy trouble since Friday.  He kept saying his tummy hurt, was hardly eating, but otherwise seemed OK.  He was acting normal, playing, and didn't seem to be sick.  But then the Terrible, Awful, Very Bad Bowel of Wm rebelled.  Since Wm finds diarrhea HILARIOUS, he sits in the bathroom, sick, like it's a comedy show.  You'll hear horrible sounds emerge and then a pause, and then uproarious laughter.  Wm is the only kid I know who yucks it up through a tummy bug.

He insisted that he was OK to go to school yesterday, so he went.  But when I picked him up, his lunch was totally untouched and when I asked if he REALLY felt better, he said that his tummy did, in fact, still hurt.  He woke up this morning insisting he felt better and could go to school, but then went into the bathroom - and based on what I heard in there, I came right downstairs and called him off.  I am FORCING him to sit on the couch and watch cartoons all day. He keeps trying to get up and bounce all around, but I am vigilant! (He even asked if he could clean his room!  That's desperation.) I will keep that kid down if it kills me.  It's actually annoying to have a kid who will lie about his health status so he can go to school.  It makes it hard to determine if/when he is actually too sick to go.  But, he is currently watching Ninjago cartoons and playing online chess.  So, he's having a grand time.

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