Saturday, November 3, 2012


Wm has decided he wants to play basketball and is all signed up for the session that starts after Thanksgiving!  Well, really, when we first asked if he wanted to play, he said "NO!"  But then his friend asked if he would play and be on his team, so then Wm decided that was a grand plan and is now all in.  Captain Tinypants should be fun to watch. Wm luuuuurves his friend.  He woke up this morning, got out of bed, came into my room, shook me awake and goes, "Can N come over?"  I was like, "Dude - it's 7:30. I'm not calling his house until at least 10AM."  So then at 15 minute intervals until 10AM, Wm would ask, "is it time yet?"  Finally, at 10, I called.  No answer.  Then, the question became, "has N's dad called you back yet?"  After that, we set up the playdate for 1PM.  As would be expected: "is it 1PM yet?" despite the fact he is perfectly capable of looking at the clock. At 12:50, Wm went out and sat on the porch to keep watch.  When N rolled up at 1:04, Wm was beside himself over this 4 minute tardiness.  Wm has created a playdate agenda that includes Skylanders, Lego-building, and the playground.  I told N's dad we would return him once they had gotten through the agenda in its entirety.

Meanwhile, Steve is at work all weekend.  Which sucks for him.  Wm and I slept in, snuggled in the warm bed, had slabs of bread with chocolate hazelnut spread (Nutella-like, but all natural and dairy free) for breakfast, went to Graffiti Burger for lunch.  Poor Steve.

Wm is impressing me what he's learning in math!  Today at lunch he informed me that some angle was obtuse.  When I asked if he knew what that meant, he goes, "of angle that is greater than 90 degrees - but a right angle is exactly 90 degrees."  I go, "well, you are a-CUTE angle."  Wm sighs and goes, " acute angle is less than 90 degrees."

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