Friday, September 14, 2012


Steve works all weekend, so Wm and I will have to entertain ourselves.  I asked Wm for ideas and he screamed, "GO TO THE LEGO STORE!" And, in other news, I am back to walking Wm all the way home.  A substitute teacher held him at school, telling him he was "too little to walk home alone" (without even checking to see where he lived or informing me!)  So, once I straightened it out, Wm was then terrified.  Thanks, sub, for not only terrifying me (as I waited for Wm to get home and he never showed!) and terrifying my son with your uninformed blabber mouth!  The one time Willie decides to be independent and it lasts a week.  Annoyed.  But, honestly, I do prefer sitting on the playground and watching him come out so I can snag him myself.  I know it's helicopter-parent-y of me, but I am secretly sort of glad to get him again!  Of course, I haven't mentioned this to Wm - I just told him he's perfectly safe walking home alone and he can try again whenever he feels comfortable doing so.

Steve was sitting on the couch playing on his phone (as he now does 99% of the time) and he looked way too peaceful ignoring me, so I ran over and grabbed his chest intensely and screamed, "INDIE! COVER YOUR HEART!"

Steve: Quit.
Me: I'll have you know, Mel laughed her ASS OFF at my Short Round impression.  Like, red-faced hysterics, man.  You don't even appreciate how hilarious I am.
Steve: I've seen the show, Cory.
Me: WOW. I've never even SEEN Indiana Jones!  That is really me doing an impression of Drew doing an impression of Short Round.  That's how good I am.  Mel was IMPRESSED.
Steve: We've been together for nearly 16 years.  Seen. The. Show.

Aaaaaand, that is why I have to seek negative attention.

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