Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Wonderkid Returns!

Wm is home!!  I gave him all sorts of cuddles and snuggles.  Wm said, "the first day I was gone, I missed you SO much all the time - but then, after that, I had so much fun, I forgot to miss you!"  I told him I missed him the whole time he was gone and he goes, "well, I'm sure I missed you the whole time deep inside...I just didn't know about it because I was having so much fun."  He definitely must have been having a grand time because he set a new World Wm Record and slept in until 9AM.  That blows the previous record out of the water.  I'm glad school doesn't start until Wednesday, it will give his little body time to get used to early to bed, early to rise again.  Unfortunately, I go back to work Tuesday and my body sure doesn't want to do the early to rise thing.

Wm came home to new things!  He loves to come home to surprises.  The first surprise was a cute new rug in the dining room (thank you, SuzZane, for rug transportation!):

And we painted Wm's dresser and night stand his favorite color (green).  The white thing seemed like a good idea when he was a tiny baby, but he has destroyed it.  There were stains and marker and crayon and all sorts of business on there.  So we went darker green and hope it can withstand all that is Wm:

Wm told me this morning that if I quit my job and stayed home with him, that he will pay me.  He counted all the money in his piggy bank and said, "I have $11!!! No, seriously...I'm not even kidding right now!"  That should get him about 20 minutes.  He has never cared before, but he's realized that he has the entire summer off from school and wants to make sure I am here to enjoy it with him.  I told him we'd hire an awesome babysitter for him - who will be young and hip and paid to keep him happy.  That seemed to appease him a bit.

In other news, here is a picture of me in the best Christmas present ever: a giant fleece robe that encases me from my neck to the floor (you can't see the matching fleece bootie slippers).  It is WARM and I LOVE it.  My mom even had my name embroidered on it.  Which is good...because I'm pretty sure it would easily fit Steve.  I have only taken it off to leave the house.  Let me tell you - Steve is lovin' it.
Also note how awesome I look 15 minutes after waking up.

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