Saturday, September 10, 2011

Willie Appleseed

We finally had good enough weather to take Wm apple picking today. Apple pie making tomorrow!!  Wm says he wants to take an apple he picked in for Mrs. Couch.  He was VERY intent on that.  I will also be making super special brownies for Wm to take to school in his lunch tomorrow.  So it will be a baking day.  Wm always eats his dessert first (oh, yeah), then moves on to crackers/carbs, and, if there is time remaining, he goes onto the main course...and sadly, last choice is fruits and veggies.  This leads to dessert and crackers being eaten daily, some main course being eaten, and rarely any fruit/veggies.  So, to foil his plans, I got Wm something called "super crackers" that have a whole serving of spinach in them.  BOOM! Then, tomorrow, I am making brownies with whole wheat flour and subbing half the butter for pureed carrots, peas, and sweet potatoes.  So, it's still a brownie...but a "super brownie."  2 points to Mommy. I am also hoping Wm will eat the apples I will put in his lunch since he picked them!


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