Thursday, September 1, 2011

Good Mornin'

We *may* have pinpointed Wm's school issue.  I had a feeling he was crying in the morning, but had a good day once he got to his classroom.  But I wanted to be sure, I so emailed his teacher.  When we were putting him to bed last night, he said, "I don't want to go to school tomorrow."  When I asked him why not, he said, "because I don't like breakfast."  (They herd all the masses of children from their buses into the very tiny cafeteria, where it is loud and crowded and insane, and then "call" them to their classrooms from there.)  Ah ha, I thought!  Breakfast seems to be the culprit!  Which makes sense since Wm hates crowds of children and loudness (unless he is the source of the loudness). 

When I got downstairs, I had an email from Mrs. Couch.  She said she can tell Wm has been crying when he comes into the classroom from breakfast, but then he has a great day!  She said he's really good, and is a very good listener (which I don't buy).  She did say that he seems nervous when she leads the kids to lunch.  But, otherwise, he is super good and has a great time in kindergarten. 

Conclusion: Wm hates the small, over-crowded cafeteria - and especially breakfast, but is otherwise having a grand time.  So, we sent him armed this morning!  We let him take a little picture book with him to sit and read during breakfast (since we feed him at home and he won't eat it), along with 2 lego guys he is allowed to play with during breakfast and during recess following lunch, as well as a locket necklace that contains a picture of Daddy and a picture of Mommy.  Steve just called and said there were no tears at all this morning - and Wm didn't say once that he didn't want to go! 

I'm sure Tuesday will be a bit bumpy after the long weekend, but it looks like progress is being made!  And in a matter of a couple weeks, Wm will have developed his own coping skills (or just gotten used to) the noise and people in the cafeteria.

After all, he is my son...despite all his anxiety, he manages to scarf down all the cookies I send daily (but not much else).  That's m'boy.

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